12: CHAPTER 12

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After that whole altercation with Anna and Walker in all of those other people me and Brooklyn decided to have our own day.

We decided to buy season tickets to 6 flags

But when we got there it was not even like 200 people there.

We got there around 10:30 and decided that we just want to go to hurricane harbor.

We wanted to swim for a little bit.

As I was changing into my swimsuit I heard one of the most recognizable voices ever.

I signed annoying it was going to be more and more drama everyday but I decided to ignore it and try to hang out with my best friend.

As I stepped out of the stall holding my clothes that I had over my swimming suit I took a small peek to see who was outside of the bathroom.

I saw Anna handing the girl that Walker with fake dating handing her multiple hundred dollar bills.

I heard and got on my phone and took a picture.

I knew this was going to come out anytime soon so I just decided to keep it in my phone.

I waited today walked off to give me some water and headed to hurricane harbor.

When I got there they had activated the waves and I was so excited.

I saw Brooklyn with her braids up slowly floating back and forth in the water.

I slowly got into the room temperature water but it was a little little colder than I would like it to be.

I got into the water and I shave it because my feet were really cold.

Me and Brooklyn hung out all day till 6:00 and we talked about everything we could until we got bored.

It was so fun to hang around her and having my best friend back was one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

Now I know I sound a little dramatic but that really is my best friend.

The final thing we did was go get some chicken and fries and knowing me I would have ate the whole thing by myself but I wanted to share with Brooklyn my little treat.

We sat at the table and ate and we had to leave before 7:00 cuz the park closes at 8:30 and I know it was about to rain cuz it looked a little cloudy.

Me and  Brooklyn dried off and said bye to all the new friends we made there.

I honestly love going out with her because she's the funnest person to hang out with and she loves making jokes.

As we were walking out I decided to show Brooklyn the picture of Anna and the old cast member.

She laughed so hard because at first I didn't notice but you can tell the hundreds were so fake.

Since I was far away and I had to zoom in to see the hundreds I didn't really focus on what the hundreds looks like.

It kind of look like Monopoly money, we laughed for a little while because she actually thought that was real money.

When we got home to my house we decided to watch an old movie and decided to watch back to the Future and Goonies and ET.

This is one of the best days of my life since all the drama happened.

We had a sleepover and it was such a fun time but something always has to ruin it.

I checked my phone for like the second time of the day and it blew up like I have so many text messages and screenshots coming from different people it was just all crazy.

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