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Thursday.. Friday.. Saturday and Sunday.. it's been four days since Khaotung saw First in the City. First wasn't in university either and he didn't even gave him a call back..

Actually - Khao wasn't even sure if he'd wanted a call back.. not after he saw him in the City.. kissing that stupid, fucking.. beautiful, tall, blonde girl..

Fuck, Khao couldn't even be mad at him, that woman was gorgeous..

But one thing was for sure..
Khaotung was heartbroken.
He felt like absolute shit.
He was sure that he fell for First and even tho he knew that the chance the other would like him back was slim - it still hurted his heart A LOT.

Khao felt some kind of connection between him and First and now he felt.. stupid.

He got up out of bed, grabbed the pack of cigarettes from his bedside table and walked over to his balcony but before he could open the door, his phone rang and he stopped in his tracks.

His heart began to beat like crazy. There would be only three possibilities. Coco, the police or First. Nobody else would call him. But honestly - he wasn't really eager to talk to either of these people without getting ready first.

He slowly walked over to his desk and grabbed the phone.
"First.." He whispered and tried to decide whether or not he should pick up.

He thought really hard. He didn't really wanted to talk to him but his heart was stronger and so he picked up.

"Hello ?" "Khao ? I'm sorry for not calling you back earlier, I-" "No Problem. I didn't really expected you to. So.. I gotta go now." "Wait. Are you mad at me ?"

Khaotung stopped. He was mad. Really mad. But only because First lied to him and told him he's gay when he's clearly not.

"No. Goodbye." "Khaotung, what is wrong ? Tell me."

Khaotung sighed pretty loudly.
"Please Khao."

"You know First, I don't like being lied to." He said and heard an almost whispered 'what ?' From the other.

"I actually hate it when people lie to me." "Khaotung, I don't undertand what you mean-" "I know that I have no right to be angry at you for seeing someone, but I hate that you've lied to me about your sexuality. Besides that - I was really worried about you when you got that call at University, only to see you in the city with some.. girl. And when I tried to call you - you declined it and ignored me for days."

"Khaotung, can you come over ?"
"What ?" The young boy was confused. First sounded sad all of a sudden. "Why should I-" "Please come over." First said and Khaotung sighed. "Okay. I'll be over in a bit."

Without saying goodbye, First hung up and Khaotung once again sighed loudly. He grabbed a clean shirt, boxers and a black jeans, got dressed up and looked in his mirror. "You got this Khao." He told himself, grabbed his cigarettes and his key and left his condo.

Once he arrived at the restaurant, he looked around. The restaurant was closed. He finished smoking his cigarette and threw it on the ground to step on it.

He was looking for a bell but couldn't find one, so he took out his phone but before he could call the other, the door opened and he looked in the eyes of First. 
He looked at him without saying anything, but Khao could tell that he was pretty annoyed.

"What do you want ?"
"What ?" "Are you deaf ?" "No, I.. You just asked me to come over ?" Khaotung said confused.
"Why would I ask you to come over ? I don't even kno-" "Fiat."

Khaotung looked behind the man in front of him and saw another man.. that looked.. completely like.. the man that opened the door ?

"Oh First. Is he your little boy toy ?" "Shut up idiot. Didn't you want to go ? Why are you still here asshole ?" "Because I want to. It's none of your business."
"Oh for fucks sake, just let my friend in and leave."

I'ma give you the world. -KhaoFirstWhere stories live. Discover now