Stop talking !

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Week two or 'day thirteen of knowing First, but being too shy to actually ask for his number' or..

"Time for the german exam guys !"

"Fuck.. I am nervous." Khao whispered to the other one, who was sitting next to him, his leather jacket still on and his phone on the table.

"First ?"

"Hm ? Oh yea. Don't be nervous. We've learned a lot, remember. Besides that - she just wants to know what we can do and can't do."

"Is everything okay ? You seem anxious ?"

"Hm, I'm fine."

"First, did something happen to Min-Joo ?"

"No. I mean, yes. Well kind of.."

Khaotung's heart began to beat faster.


"You probably going to think I'm stupid because it's nothing really serious but.. My son fell off the changing table this morning. Even tho he's not seriously hurt, I feel awful."

Khaotung nodded and let the other talk about it, so that he'd stop worrying and his head would be free for the exam.

"He never fell before. I never let it happen, not in all those three years of him being alive.. this is the first time that he fell, just because I was tired this morning and didn't held him properly while I tried to grab a diaper."


"You're probably thinking I'm stupid or something like that.. but it's just-"

"I'm not thinking you're stupid. That's your baby, your child. I think it's pretty normal that you're feeling shitty because of that."

"Okay klasse, ich teile jetzt die Arbeitsblätter aus." The teacher said, but neither First nor Khaotung were listening.

"I'd actually think weirdly of you if you weren't worried about that." Khaotung tried to calm the other down.

"I feel awful. He wasn't crying at all. He just stared at me but I was so shocked, I just stared back for a second before I finally picked him up."

"First, everything is going to be okay. It's your kid, it's normal to -"

"First, Khaotung, enough." The teacher finally said pretty loudly.

"You two have been talking the whole time while I was trying to explain the exam. You didn't even noticed me giving you the damn papers. I don't care what's so important right now but I care about your grades and I want you to talk on your break, not now !"

"I'm sorry miss."

"Entschuldigung." First said, making the teacher look at him.

"Entschuldigung angenommen. Trotzdem möchte ich das ihr zwei nach der Stunde den Raum putzt."

"Okay." The almost fluent boy answered but Khaotung just raised his hand.

"Miss, I didn't understand what you were saying."

"See. One more reason why you should listen mister. I don't expect you to be fluent, but I expect you to be respectful and listen. I just told your friend that you two are going to clean this room today."

"Uh so you can spend time with your little boyfriend."

"The fuck did you just say Aom ?" Khaotung asked and turned around.
The other students were whispering, some were laughing.

"Nothing Khao." He answered, smiling sheepishly.

The young boy understood what his once best friend said, but decided to ignore it for now, thinking that maybe Aom just wanted to act cool to impress some of those stupid girls in here.

Khaotung knew that Aom cracked these jokes because the smart girls in here wouldn't even look at him, but the stupid girls liked his bad boy image.

>>Aom is probably jealous.<< Khaotung thought to himself, trying his best not to laugh.

"Aom. Enough. Or I'm making you stay longer as well."

"I am sorry teacher."

"Okay guys, I'm going to explain this in german and I want one of y'all to tell us what you have to do." The teacher said, explained and the exam finally began..

Half an hour later, the classroom was empty.
The students were leaving, leaving only Khaotung, First and their teacher.

"Boys I want you to understand that I am not punishing you because I think you two are little kids. I am punishing you because I felt disrespected by you two. I think you two are really good students and I actually only heard good stuff about you, but I was trying to explain everything and you two kept on ignoring me and chatting like me and your classmates weren't there. Like I said - I don't know what was troubling you and if you want or need to talk about it, I will listen to you, but please.. For the future, just wait for your break."

"We're really sorry teacher. It was because of my son and Khaotung tried to cheer me up."

"I see. I hope everything is okay with your little one ?"

Khaotung looked back and forth between First and their teacher.

"Yes. Just a little incident this morning."

"I'm glad to hear that everything is okay. Good. I'll leave now boys. Once you're done cleaning, you can leave as well and enjoy the rest of your day."

"Thank you teacher." Both boys said, watching as the young woman left.

The older one grabbed the broom and began to clean, so did Khao.

"Thank you for talking for the both of us."

"No worries Khao. After all, it was my fault."

"No, you're not at fault or something like that. You were worried and as a good friend, I wanted to cheer you up. That's it."

The other smiled and nodded.

"I was surprised that the teacher knows about your son."

"Why ?" The brown haired boy asked, stopping in his tracks and raising his eyebrow.

"Every single one of our teachers know about my son."

Khaotung nodded.
"I see."

They continued to clean the room in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, no. It actually felt really comfortable.

"Finally.. We're done." First said and put the broom aside.

"I need to hurry home now."

"Hey, uhm.. I drove here today. I can drive you if you want ?"

"That's really nice of you but I don't want to be a -"

"You're not. It's my pleasure."
Khaotung said and smiled.

It didn't took them long to arrive at Firsts home, but when they did, the other tensed up.


"What ? What's wrong ?"

"My mom.. I.. thank you so much for driving me here. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"O-okay ?"

The confused driver watched as First ran over to the door, where a woman, wearing a hat and a long gown sat. A little boy sitting on her legs.

Khaotung was no busybody, bit he couldn't help but stare as First picked up the kid and helped the woman get up and get inside.

He looked pretty worried and Khaotung could feel that something wasn't right..


Hey hey :)

Another chapter is here.

I hope y'all are good ? How is 2024 so far?

Does someone have an idea, what was worrying First ?

See you in the next chap :)


I'ma give you the world. -KhaoFirstWhere stories live. Discover now