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"Khao ?"


"Khaotung ?!"

"Hm ?"

"What is going on ? Are you alright ?"

"I am Coco.. you.."

"Is it because I am not beautiful enough ?"

Khaotung stared at the chubby girl.

Her big brown eyes showed the pure disappointment and the boy began to feel awful.

"Coco, it's absolutely not because of you. Besides that - you are beautiful and I don't give a fuck about your weight if that's what you meant.."

"So.. is it because we knew each other as kids ?"

Khaotung shook his head no.

Sure the situation was kind of weird.
Coco and Khao knew each other since they were in the same class in pre school.

The day Khao left their small hometown to go live in Bangkok was the last day they've ever saw each other and they didn't really care since they weren't even friends anyway.

Given the fact that nearly everybody knew about Khaotung's family, the young boy didn't really had any friends in school.

A few days ago, Coco had found him on facebook. She asked him to show her a little bit of Bangkok, since Coco is doing an internship at a large company there and so the two of them decided to meet today.

The fact that they ended up here in Khaotung's bed, half naked, was not something he planned.

Sitting inside Khaotung's usual bar, Coco told him that she always thought that the other kids were to harsh to him.

They didn't wanted him to play with them, never talked with him and sometimes they'd even bully him..
And even tho Coco didn't play with him either, simply because her mind told her Khaotung wouldn't have said yes to playing with dolls anyways given the fact that he's a boy, she never ignored him when he asked her something.

The blonde girl told him about the kids in their class, who always played house and that they actually got married.
That one girl, who loved animals more than anything else and that she's now a vet in england.
And that Coco herself worked in her mothers office, but after she and boyfriend broke up, she didn't wanted to stay in their hometown.

The alcohol probably clouded the senses of the young friends in equal measure, because somehow they came up with the brilliant idea of simply trying to distract each other from their problems and heart breaks.

None of them intended to end up in a relationship with each other, no, they both made that clear straight away.

It was more like... having fun..
To have someone you can go to when you don't have anyone else... something like 'bed friends.'

"I should go now.."

"Coco.. please wait." Khaotung said and jumped up."

"Maybe this was a mistake."

"Coco, it's really not because of you !"

"I am really sorry, but I can't believe you. I appreciate that you were ready to try having sex with a fat girl, but your body clearly showed me that you don't want to." She said and pointed down.

"Coco, I don't know what happened. This never happened to me before and you are not fat, besides that I don't care, I already told you !"

"So why the fuck can't you get a boner while literally laying naked on me, making out like two teenagers ?!"

"Because I think I like someone and that scares me.."

"What ?"

Khaotung didn't dare to look up now that he's said those words.

"Well.. I never been in love. I always had 'just sex relationships' and I honestly never felt something like.. love.. for someone."

Coco began to smile sadly.
"So you tried to get over it with the fatty that would say yes anyways ?"

"Oh god could you please stop thinking that badly of me ? I am not an asshole Coco and I told you already - I don't fucking care about weight. Besides that - we made it very clear that all we both want is someone to distract us, remember ?"

"You're right, I'm sorry.. Well okay but you have to understand that I feel pretty weird right now."

"I never said that I don't understand you, but girl you're currently acting as if I've cheated on you !"

Coco stopped in her tracks and stared at Khaotung.
"I think I should leave. I am sorry." She said, grabbed her shirt and left the condo.

Khaotung sighed as he walked over to his desk.

What the fuck happened?
WHEN did it happen ?

He never fell in love before, but thinking of all those romance movies and books and the stuff his friends told him..
He felt exactly like that whenever he was with First.

He felt like there were butterflies, in every single one of his cells.

His mind went blank whenever the older one would talk to him.

Khaotung wanted to see First smile as often as possible and he just couldn't stop thinking about the other touching his hand five days ago.

He didn't really wanted to admit it, but Khaotung couldn't even stop thinking about the other while making out with Coco.

Fuck, Khaotung was in love with someone he met barely eight weeks ago..


Hey hey :)

Hope y'all are doing good !

Here's the next chapter for you besties ^^

Have fun reading it , I see you un the next one.


I'ma give you the world. -KhaoFirstWhere stories live. Discover now