Entry #3

57 3 0

Today's date: June 30th (I think)
Time: like noon

Yeah I just woke up and im extremely tired. oops. My bad.
But I've been spending a lot of time looking up stuff like 'How to Walk Like a Guy' and such. So far I have realized that I have many feminine habits that I need to kick.
Among these-

•Using hand gestures
•Saying 'like' a LOT
•Swaying my hips slightly
•Crossing my legs
•Leaning to one side while standing

Etc, Etc...

Hopefully replacing these habits with more masculine habits will not be too difficult.

I also start gender therapy next Wednesday (a week from tomorrow) which will help with passing and if my therapist writes the letter to my doctor, I might be able to start T soon.

Definitely looking forward to that.

But other than that, nothing has really happened lately regarding transgender...ness.

See you guys later!


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