Entry #1

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Today's date is June 25th, 2015
It is 11:05 p.m

Today consisted of a lot of... Weird... Emotions. Even though I never even left my house.

Basically, I live with my grandmother (age 51) after a ton of family drama, blah blah blah.
My grandmother left for work at around 1:00-ish and will be home at 11:30.

After she left, I made a DIY binder out of a pair of tights, shaved my hair off so I now have a Mohawk, and I wrote her a two page letter explaining that I am trans.

*record stops*

I realize that writing a letter PROBABLY wasn't the best way to go about it, but hey, I have really bad anxiety so it's better than nothing, right?

I'm not going to quote the entire thing. The gist of it was, "hey grandma dee, sorry for the bad penmanship but I'm really nervous....... I was teased a lot for always being a 'tomboy' and you even asked if I was a lesbian, I'm not, but I am trans...... I understand if you're in shock, but hopefully we can talk and such because this is something I've been dealing with for a long time...... It feels like I'm not really 'myself' and I can't find a way to really convey how it feels to look in the mirror and be so uncomfortable because of what I see....... I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you this way, but I'm afraid......

Love, Lennox"

So my grandmother just got home and will read it soon.
I'll update on her reaction tomorrow


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