Chapter 4192

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Luo Zilin said grumpily, "Brother, she's been making progress too fast recently. I don't think she'll be able to make any more progress for a long time. After all, we have to abide by the rules of the world. Otherwise, she's going to defy nature."

"Brother, brother." Tugging at Luo Zibo's sleeve, Feng Wu said, "Let me try the Luo Dragon Pool, will you? No matter how pure the Luo family's blood is, I'll absorb as much as I can and improve as much as I can. Even a mosquito is meat."

Who could resist Little Feng Wu's coquettish ways? "Alright, I'll take you there." Luo Zibo patted Feng Wu's head with a smile. Luo Zibo had already gone in, so he wouldn't be joining this time. Apart from second brother, third brother, and fourth brother, there were also some young elites of the Luo family. There were 15 people in total. 

Luo Zibo walked them to the Luo Dragon Pool and said to the elder, "You can start now."  There were 15 people standing in front of the pool.

The elder raised an eyebrow when he saw Feng Wu. "This young lady isn't a member of the Luo family."

Luo Zibo said, "She's my aunt's child. She has the Luo family's blood in her, so it's not completely against the rules" It wasn't completely against the rules, but it was still against the rules. There were two elders in charge of the clan, and their names were Zhongxin and Benevolence. 

"Uncle Zhongren, father also agreed." Luo Zilin interrupted from the side, "Can you just raise your hand and let out Xiao Wu in?"

Elder Zhongren frowned. "Even if she has the Luo family's blood in her veins, it won't be much. She won't be able to absorb much."

Luo Zilin said, "I've said the same thing, but the girl said it's good to absorb a little, so why don't we just let her make up the numbers? She won't be able to absorb much anyway. What do you think?"

Elder Zhongren and Elder Xin Yi looked at each other and saw a bitter smile in each other's eyes. The Luo Dragon Spiritual Crystal was extremely rare. It had been passed down from generation to generation, and there weren't many left. That was why they used it sparingly, afraid that it would be wasted. 

Back in the old days, the Luo family didn't just open the Luo Dragon Pool once every three years. They opened it every single year. However, Luo Zilin was right. This girl was not of the same surname, so she could not absorb much. Since the family head and the next family head had spoken, he would give them some face. At that thought, the two elders nodded, and Elder Zhongren said, "Fine. Miss Feng Wu, come over here. This is the furthest corner, and you won't affect anyone else." 

Elder Zhongren was sure that Feng Wu would pass out soon. After all, the Luo Dragon Pool didn't test one's cultivation talent or strength. What it tested was the purity of the Luo family's bloodline. Therefore, even though Miss Feng Wu advanced very quickly, she would still be the first one to be carried out of the Luo Dragon Pool.

If it were me, I wouldn't join the fun at all," a low voice said. She was a girl from a side branch of the Luo family, but because of her talent, she had always been very popular in the Luo family. "A little is a little. I want to know how much she can absorb. Is it as little as a fingernail? Hehehe...."

"Don't speak the truth. Young Master and the others are unhappy."

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