s3/ep3 s3/ep 4 Drama rising (Julia pov)

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Wayne wants to be in a alliance with me. I could use him for my advantage.

I stared at Bowie pearl necklace to avoid eye contact with him. I felt Wayne was doing the same. The air carried heavy tension. "So.." Raj pauses. He stares at Wayne . He scans him up and down. "See you made friends with the biggest jerk around here" Raj finished. "Raj she's not a jerk" Wayne argued. "And what else? Wayne why are you so hell bent nice to her! I bet she's trying to use you" Bowie added. "That's not true! At least she's opened to new things. You didn't want to be friends with me because I picked her on my team!" Wayne argued back. "That's because Julia is a threat! She is a gaslighting traitor!" Raj shouted. "No! You may not be opened to second chances like me. But that doesn't give you the right to talk about her like that!" Wayne roared. This made Raj angry as he charged at Wayne. Raj pulled Wayne back into a tree hitting his head roughly. Wayne pulled Raj hair roughly. "Stop pulling my hair Wayne!" Raj roared. "You started it! You expected me to just not protect myself!?" Wayne roared. Wayne threw Raj off him. Raj fell into the sticky mud. "Eww!" Raj shouted. His hair , hockey uniform and even his face was spoiled with mud. "Raj!" Bowie shouted. Bowie pulled a hand out to raj and Raj took it. When Raj was pulled out. He looked like one of those monsters you see on television. Raj gave a glare to Wayne and me. Raj and Bowie walked away. "I can't believe that just happened.." I say. "Yeah.." Wayne answered. I slowly smirked. I realised I can use Wayne for my way to the merge. He will always protect me like he did when I almost got hit by a blue paintball. He defended me by holding Nichelle down with Mk and Just now with a argument with Bowie and Raj. I quickly hide my smirk as Wayne turned to face me. I knew what I had to do. Wayne should be a easy target right?

The next day. The fight between Raj amd Wayne went crazy. Everyone was talking about it. People were on sides. Chase,Ripper,Scary girl,Daimen and Mk were on Wayne side while Bowie,Axel,Nichelle,Caleb,Priya and Millie were on Raj side. I acted like I was on Wayne side. Wayne was fooled. I knew they were both in the wrong. Wayne was my ticket to the final.

"Campers please report to the Boxing arena!" The intercom announced. Everyone got up and went to the boxing arena. "So Campers today's Challenge is a boxing match against the other team. I'm pretty sure you all know how this works. All team members have to be done before they can be declared loses!" Chris announced. Chef then spinned a wheel. "Fighting for the Unpredictable Frogs is.. Chase! And fighting for the Toxic Beavers is.. Caleb!" Chris shouted. Chase gulped. It was obvious Caleb was going to win. Both Chase and Caleb entered the arena with their boxing gloves on. "ON YOUR MARKS GET SET GO!" Chris shouted. Caleb punched Chase hard. He collapsed to the ground and passed out. "Ugh..Chef! Bring Chase to the infirmary!" Chris Stated. Chef then carried a beaten up Chase to the infirmary. "Anyways..Intern spin the wheel!" Chris Stated. Intern then spanned the wheel. "Fighting for the Unpredictable Frogs is Axel and fighting for the Toxic Beavers is Ripper!" Chris announced. "I can't fight my girlfriend!" Ripper shouted. "If you don't fight Axel you are banned from the challenge and lose for your team." Chris declared. "Fine.." Ripper mumbled. He walked up to the arena and had on the boxing gloves. Axel got ready too. Axel hit hard. She left Ripper with a bruised up face. "CHEF GET RIPPER A ICE PACK!" Chris roared. Chef gave Ripper a ice pack for his eye. "Anwyays moving on!" Chris declared. The wheel span. "FIGHTING FOR THE UNPREDICTABLE FROGS IS JULIA! AND FIGHTING FOR THE TOXIC BEAVERS IS NICHELLE!" Chris roared. I took a deep breath and walked over to the arena. I put on the boxing gloves and got ready. Nichelle did the same. It was about to start.

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