Stopping the fights. (Wayne pov)

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We should all give everyone a second chance. No matter what they have done.

I held Nichelle back with the help of Mk. I felt everyone eyes on me and not Julia or Mk or Nichelle.

"Anyways! LET'S GET SORTED INTO TEAMS!" Chris roared.

I felt everyone eyes drifted away from me and to Chris instead.

"Since Wayne won season 2 and Caleb was second place. They get to chose the teams!" Chris declared.

Everyone stared at Caleb and me  like we were celebrities.

"Wayne Since you won! You're going to pick first!".

"Uh... I pick Raj!.." I squealed since Raj was my best friend.

Raj walked over to me and then we waited on Caleb's choice.

"I pick Priya my girlfriend."

"I Pick.."

Raj whispered in my ear.

"Pick Bowie..."

I didn't agree with Raj.. I felt like I didn't really wanted Bowie on my team...

Nothing could have prepared me for what I said.

"I pick Julia." 

It was quiet  Julia walked over.

Everyone obviously expected me to pick Bowie which I probably expected too.

"I pick Nichelle!" Caleb shouted. "Oh yeah! Great!" Nichelle said as she walked over to Caleb and his team.

I turned to look at Raj and he looked angry.

I didn't like Raj being angry but I had to do what I did.

So I whispered to him. "Im sorry but you kind of get so clingy and gross when you're with Bowie.. So can you forgive me?"

"Fine.." Raj answered, he was still upset I chosen Julia over Bowie.

"Wayne. It's your turn to pick a another camper!" Chris announced.

"I pick... Mk?.." I said.

Mk walked over and went beside Julia.

"I pick.. Bowie!" Caleb spoke, a slight smirk on his face.

I knew I messed up. I knew Raj was upset with me. I should have picked Bowie.. I never seen Raj acted angry.. Well not at least towards me.. But I still had to stay strong for the sake of the game.

"I pick Axel!" I decide.

Axel got off Ripper and walked to where Me and my team were standing.

"I pick Millie!" Caleb shouted after Priya had whispered in his ear.

"I pick...Daimen!"

Daimen had  a relief sigh because he wanted to get away from Scary girl.

"I.. pick.. Emma!" Caleb ordered.

He definitely thought who to chose between Emma , Chase , Zee , Ripper and Scary girl.

"I.. pick.. Chase!" I said, watching as Chase smirked.

Chase walked over to my team and Emma shot Chase a dagger stare.

Priya then whispered to Caleb again for the second time.

"I pick.. Ripper!"

"Seriously? I really want to be with Axel.." Ripper grumbled then he shot me a  massive glare.

I do actually understand why. I would have done the same if I didn't get to be on a team with Raj who was my best friend since kindergarten.

The last two people were Zee and Scary girl. I could hear Damien whispering and pleading at the same time.

"Wayne please don't pick Scary girl.. pretty  please...".

"I pick...Zee!" I shouted, knowing Scary girl wouldn't be a good option for my team.

"How come you listen to Damien and you don't listen to me Wayne!?" Raj complained.

"Raj.. I didn't want you to be distracted.. Scary girl is a distraction to Damien because he won't do any of the challenges because he would be scared " I explained.

"Whatever" Raj grumbled.

"That means Caleb's team has Scary girl. The sorting is officially over!" Chris shouted.

Chris then got up and handed me and Caleb a poster each.

It had our team logos on it.

Chris then called out me and Caleb's teams.

"Wayne, Raj,Axel,Julia,Mk,Daimen and Chase.."

"You are the Unpredictable Frogs!"

"Caleb ,Priya,Millie,Bowie,Emma ,Nichelle and Scary girl!"

"You are the Toxic Beavers!" Chris declared.

I always thought about the names Chris gave the teams. Yet they were weird and awful.

A Ex Influencer and a Hockey boy (BEING EDITED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat