s3 ep 2 do I know what im doing? (wayne pov)

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Julia isn't someone to be messed with.
One slip and Wayne can be in her bad books.

It was morning. The Toxic beavers had voted out Emma for not following the plan or something. Wayne was started to be ignored by Bowie and Raj a lot. It didn't feel right. Wayne didn't like the feeling. He felt sad for losing his best friend in the entire world. But if Wayne wanted to become allies with Julia. He had to do what he wanted to do.

"Campers please get dressed into your swimming suits and report to the lake!" The intercom announced. Everyone got up to get changed as Nichelle stopped Wayne. "Why did you save Julia yesterday?" Nichelle questioned. "I don't know.. I just felt the need to protect her.." Wayne answered. Nichelle then turned to the door. Before she left. She spoke. "I hope you know what you're playing at Wayne.". Nichelle left.

"Today your challenge is a swimming challenge!" Chris shouted. Everyone was in their swimming gear. Julia and Priya had swimming caps on their hair. It was rumored to make you swim faster. "You will swim to that starting point and grab your team flag. You will hand it to your next partner who will then swim to the next point and hand it to the next person of you're team. Then the last person will get out of the water , run to this flag pole , tie the flag up and raise it high." Chris declared. Everyone then huddled up as they dicuss the order of the team. "I think Axel should be last. She's strong." Damien whispered. Raj nodded. "Yeah I could get that" Raj spoke. "Okay. Axel is last. Who's the first person?" Chase questioned. "Hmm.." Axel paused taking her time. "Mk?". "Fine.." Mk said. Time passed as we decided the order of our team. First would be Mk. Secondly it be Chase. Next it would be Wayne. Fourth would be Julia. Fifth would be Raj. Sixth would be Daimen. Seventh would be Zee. And lastly would be Axel. "ON YOUR MARKS GET SET GO!" Chris shouted as he blew the airhorn. Mk and Priya jumped in. No doubts Priya swamed faster. She got there before Mk did. She passed it to Scary girl. Mk quickly gained her pace and handed it to Chase. Chase swam really fast and handed it to me. I tried my best. I handed it to Julia. I watched her swim really fast. On the other hand I watched Ripper hand the flag to Caleb. Caleb swimmed and handed the flag to Bowie. I then turned to our team. Daimen passed the flag to Zee. Zee swimmed and passed the flag to Axel. Both teams were on their last player. "NOW ITS JUST AXEL VERSE NICHELLE" Chris shouted. Everyone was watching on the benches with towels around their necks. We watched Axel and Nichelle struggled but in the end... Nichelle won. "THE TOXIC BEAVERS WIN!. THE UNPREDICTABLE FROGS I WILL SEE YOU TONIGHT AT THE ELIMATION CEREMONY!" Chris roared through the megaphone.

We walked back to the cabin. It was quiet. So quiet. The only sounds were the water dripping onto the floor or the floorboards creaking...

Then it was time for the elimation ceremony. "Alright you know the drill!" Chris shouts. We all write our votes onto the paper. I voted Zee.. because he was too lazy thanks to his soda. "First voice is..Zee.." Chris states. "Second voice is Wayne?..". "Third voice is Julia". "Fourth vote is Julia. "Fifth vote is Zee." "6th vote is Zee" . "7th vote is Zee." "Last vote is... Zee!" "Zee it's time to pack yours things!

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