(2) I wasnt there

21 2 4

It's been about a month now, and it was awesome.

Even tho he gets little to no sleep, he still loves it and he won't give up on his band.

They practice sometimes at school, but Kai knows a spot. Apparently his dad used to sell instruments or something like that? Its like a studio. He won't really say anything about his past, or atleast not when I'm around. He's really closed in.

But Jay told me it takes him a lot of time till he trusts people, and he won't tell me what's happening with him because he doesn't want to break Kais trust. He reassured me that he will tell me someday tho.

Still that doesn't mean his dad didn't stop, he just doesnt know about sneaking out. He's barely focusing on his school anymore, he gets super tired when he gets home and all he does is play the guitar.
He tries, he does try to keep his grades up but his mind is totally somewhere else.

Probably at how Kai plays the guitar.


Not that

Probably lack off sleep.

Or probably the stress.
For the summer, they're gonna have their first concert. And oh, what will his sweet father say? When he finds out that his son will completely splash black paint over his family's legacy? When he brushes off his father's footsteps, repainting their portraits?

He'll probably be caught dead.

Yet he still acts like his father is fine, like he is fine, his family is totally not crumbling to bits.

,,Ughhh I'm so fucking tired" Jay mentioned looking down and hugging himself.

,,You always are." Kai said while trying out some guitar chords.

,,No seriously, I have no energy for this. Why do we always have to practice at night?"

,,Because little Rapunzel here can't leave the tower" He said pointing his chin at Cole while still having his guitar in his hands.

,,Ha Ha" The princess said.
,,You don't have to wait for me to do all these things. I can practice at home, I've told you multiple times." The truth is, he can't.

Kai smiled a bit ,,I'm just joking. It's not because of you, it's way peaceful at night. Plus we need to practice together if we want to be in sync smartass"

,,I still feel guilty that you changed your schedule for me. There's tons of bassist around the world-"

,,But nobody is like you" Kai gave him a flirty look.

Cole gave him a disgusted expression which made Kai smile even more out of amusement.

,,I think we should change the rhythm." Nya said with the paper infront of her and everyone payed attention to them.
,,Its too scandalous"

,,Its supposed to be" Kai said.

Lloyd took the papers from her ,,She's right tho"

,,I say its unique" Zane added watching them argue the fifth time his week.

,,See?" The hothead pointed at Zane.

,,I still won't be able to catch up Kai, Maybe you do more of your guitar thingie"

,,Why not Jay?"

,,You always want to be in the center of attention!"

,,Yes, but with my charms. But whatever, do what's more comfortable with you."

Cole looked at the ginger who's face was locked in the light of his phone.
He became worried once he started typing and he looked paler and paler.

Kai looked at Cole, and he seemed to look at Jay.

same beginning same ending: only usWhere stories live. Discover now