(1) The beginning

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His father, walking back and forth, yelling, throwing his hands in the air, pointing at him, talking while holding his test papers in his hand. Even tho what his father is doing is not good at all, Cole can't help but feel somehow relieved that it's not worse, it's just yelling and constantly judging.

,,I mean really Cole? A 53%? DO YOU EVER THINK? DID I NOT RAISE YOU RIGHT?"

,,Like you ever tried to" He mumbled looking down.

,,Whats that?" His father stepped closer.

Cole closed his eyes annoyed and opened them to look straight in his father's face showing no interest.

,,I am very, very disappointed in you Cole." His father pointed at him with his test papers to intimidate him.

But Cole didn't say anything, and didn't bother to put a sad look on his face. He didn't care, he didn't want his father to think he cares.

,,WHAT IS EVERYBODY GOING TO SAY HUH? Do you want to me look bad?" He said squeezing his eyes, pointing at him.

,,No, dad i just wasn't feeling very well"


,,What?" he looked at him confused, almost in shook of how much his father can twist his words any chance he gets. ,,DAD, YOURE MAKING YOURSELF LOOK BAD."



,,Listen to me Cole." He once again got closer, showing him who has control over his life.
,,If you fail this year, I don't think you want details to what will happen next. Do what you want, act like your life is awful, and that you're bad, whatever teenagers act like these days, but you will face the consequences."

And he backed away from him now, looking at Cole.
,,Now go to your room, I don't want to see you anymore."


So he did, he couldn't keep his grades up to his father liking and the school, The principal told him his grades are too low for this high-school so they can no longer keep him in which got his father really really mad, and also caught him in a serious bad time to tell him the news.
So what he got out of this was bruises and blood, even tho his father apologised to him after.

He should feel sad and he is, he is hurt. But then again he always wished to get out of that high school, to never have to talk to those teachers again to never see those classmates again to never have to impress anyone because he is THE brookstone and needs to walk on his father's footsteps. He's out of there.

His father transfered him to a high school in his old town which they moved away from.

He wants to feel excited but he's scared of how his father will act from now on, if it's gonna get worse, if he really is the disappointment of the family for not wanting to carry their name. For the past week he's tried really hard to avoid his father who came home drunk way more than usual just because of him. Just so he can learn his lesson. Sometimes it felt like not even the door could hold his father.

For his first day he wants to wait till the bell rings so he won't have to get ambushed by people on the hallway.

,,I thought I've told you about my thoughts on you going out dressed like this." He looked at Cole, his eyes judging him.

Cole scoffed while putting on his rings ,,And I thought I told you that I don't care. And, dad, if I go change ill be late." He looked at him now. He didn't care to talk to him now, he can't do anything at all since he's not drunk and they both know Cole won't dress any different unless it's something really important.

same beginning same ending: only usWhere stories live. Discover now