Chapter 25 : The Bakery

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"Miss! Did we just teleport?" Milli says looking flustered

"Yes, as I mentioned earlier to the Duke, I have been practicing" I reply as she looks impressed and excited.

We enter the Hobbit's Hearth and find ourselves a table as I order some tea and blueberry cakes for us. Two men in black clothing also enter as I just ignore them, they are wearing commoner clothes and carrying a large bag so mostly they are traveling.

"Yummmmmm" I moan as I eat the cake.

"Miss seems to be enjoying the dessert." Milli says as I nod my head like a child.

"You are a child" says Orion

Well not mentally!- I reply

We are about to pay and leave when suddenly a woman comes in along with what looks like her son and starts disturbing the owner.

"Renald, you have to pay for your younger brother's marriage!" she shouts at him

"Why should I be paying for your son's marriage?" he asks

"Because you are his older brother!"

"He is not my brother by blood and neither are you my mother." he says

"Well I am your step mother and you have to support us. You should take care of your elders."

"You never took care of me, even neglected me so why should I? Please stop disturbing my customers and get out." he says

"This was your last chance!" the mad woman shouts, "if my son can't get a happy life, neither can you!" she says as 6 armed men enter the bakery and start destroying it.

If she could pay for them to destroy the shop, then why did she not use that money to pay for her son's marriage. Hmph...foolish

One of them moves closer to Sir Renald, with a knife.

Wait, they are armed! They will hurt him!

"Protect them" says Orion, "There are only 2 customers excluding the intruders, the woman and his son in this shop."

Well there are 2 travelers but they will need protection too. Besides, no one will recognise me.

Before that man could harm the owner, I create a forcefield in front of him.

Then I also create one on the other two travelers and Milli so they are protected.

"Miss! What are you doing!" Milli shouts as I ignore her

I then freeze all of the intruder's feets on the ground so they cannot move. I then freeze their weapons too and break them.

One of the intruder's breaks free from the ice and is about to attack me from behind but I notice. So I create a block of ice and throw it at him because of which he falls down and is knocked out. Sadly the whole shop is damaged because I couldn't stop them earlier.

I remove the forcefields.

"Please get the imperial guards", I say to the travelers and one of them runs outside to get them whereas the other one stares at me.

That's when I realize that my silver hair is out of the cloak and he is able to see them.

Milli looks too shocked and I make her sit on one of the non damaged chairs as I ask her to wait for me.

I then pull the owner to a corner.

"Who are you?" he says

"Will you be able to repair this shop?" I ask instead of replying

"No-I don't think so." he says looking depressed

"I was going to sell it anyways in a few days due to financial issues. Thanks for helping me anyways."

"Sell the shop to me." I say

"What?!" he asks

"Just sell the shop to me. I will be the owner but you will manage the place just like you do now. And I will help you with the repair work." I say

"But-" I cut him off

"I will give you 10 percent of how much ever the shop earns and the rest you can manage, I believe. Do not fire the staff, I will pay them as well."

"Will you be able to pay so much?!" he says looking skeptical

"Yes, if you want to sell it to me, come to Duke Stanford's mansion and ask the servants that you wish to meet Lady Eleanor. They will lead you to me."

That's when he realizes who I am and bows.

"There is no need for it, I am in disguise. If you wish to sell the shop, then come with the property papers to my house. I am not forcing you, but if you decide to do it then I will keep the money ready."

"But why are you helping me, lady?" he asks

"Maybe because I like your cakes a lot." I reply as I pay him for the food I bought and then leave with Milli.

"Miss...since when can you use magic like that? It was so dangerous you could have been hurt! I couldn-" I cut her off

"As I said, I have been practicing a lot. And do not worry Milli, I will never put your life or mine in danger. But please do not mention this to anyone." I say

"Okay Miss, but are you really going to buy the shop?" she asks

"If that man decides to, then yes." I say as I take her hand and we teleport back to the same corner of The Modiste where we remove our cloaks.

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