Chapter 9 : Months Later

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It has now been 9 months since I have reincarnated in this body. I am 6 years old now. In the past months my reputation among the servants of the mansion has gradually increased.

I never knew helping a small boy will help me get to the good side of people. My relationship with Alex, I mean Alexander has also been good. Whenever I get the chance I try to help him and now he finally believes that I am really trying to be a better person.

He even lets me call him 'Brother Alex' now. My mother has been happy seeing the improvements in our behavior towards each other and sometimes we three also have a picnic in the garden.

As an orphan in my previous life I never experienced this 'motherly' love before so I have been really grateful. The Duke, however, has been the same. Well I never expected anything of him either so it has not disappointed me at all.

Recently he has even appointed a tutor for me. The original Eleanor never listened to the tutors and fired them but I have not done that...yet.

Well this is mainly because Sarah, my teacher, has been very nice to me. She usually teaches me etiquette and embroidery since I already knew how to read and write. Well she was very impressed with me and my gentleness which stopped her from believing the rumors.

Also, my engagement has been fixed with the crown prince, and now I am his fiancee, even though I have never met him. Though I don't think I should worry about that now.

I have grown more healthy and am able to meditate properly without getting distracted now as my body has turned used to it. As for the weaponry training I have been secretly trying to learn it after copying the nights but it is still very slow. Well it is difficult especially without a teacher but I can surely say that I have improved.

I have also researched a lot about the awakening ceremony, to think I spend everyday reading about it, I have gathered enough information to do it myself.

As per the books there are two types of awakening ceremonies. One is the candle light type that the temple does. The temple keeps hundreds of candles in front of the child and they are lit in different colors when the magic is awakened after some prayers.

For example if someone awakens fire (elementary) and sight (sensory) magic, then the candles will have flames of red and powder blue. That is how the magic type is determined.

The second type of is the soul type ceremony. In this ceremony, the awakener has to sit in the circle on a blue moon night and pray to the souls to help them awaken their magic.

For the magic to awaken the person has to pray with a true heart and different souls pass through them which awakens their magic. But there is a twist in this type of magic. Along with the magic a mythical creature is also awakened determined on your magic type. The creature is the one which tells the awakener what magic they have awakened and helps them practice it. They act as a guardian to the awakener.

So, if I chose to awaken my magic with the soul type ceremony I will be stuck with some creature who might eat me?

There is no further information anywhere else for me to read now as the soul type ceremony has not been used for nearly a hundred years by now. As I cannot light hundreds of magical candles and do not know the prayer, I will have to choose the soul type ceremony because I have to pray with a true heart for it without any incantations which I do not know. The next blue moon is actually the day after tomorrow so I am getting fully prepared for it.

But I am pretty nervous thinking if I mess it up.

Night of the Blue Moon

I had a good dinner today. I have told Milli and others to not disturb my sleep tonight as I am not feeling well. Thankfully they obliged and didn't ask more questions.

Everyone is asleep by now, except me. It is nearly 12 am. I get out of my bed, and draw a circle with a chalk on the wooden floor of my room under the carpet. I feel the rays of light of the blue moon fall on me as I sit in the middle of the circle and start praying to the souls to awaken me.

At first, nothing happens.

Huh? I thought I would be able to do it! No wonder they stopped using this method years ago!

But wait, am I really praying with my true heart? But what does that even mean! Suddenly, an idea emerges in my mind.

Then I think of my life with my family. I then think of the love I receive from them and how grateful I am to get such love, how lucky I am to get a second chance of life and pray.

Suddenly the circle starts glowing and I start flying in the air but do not stop praying. I feel something moving inside me and I feel really weak. I do not want to continue this but I will not stop.

Memories flash in front of my eyes, of my previous life and this life. Suddenly I am back on the ground, and I feel so refreshed but a bit weak.

Then I hear a chirpy voice,



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