UA days 2 (part 2)

Start from the beginning

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, as if Dennis was weighing his words carefully. "I'm here for you, man," he said finally, his voice soft with understanding. "Whatever you need, I've got your back."

Kenzo felt a surge of gratitude wash over him, grateful for Dennis's unwavering support even in his darkest moments. "Thanks, Dennis," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "I really appreciate it."

As they continued to talk, Kenzo felt the weight of his troubles ease ever so slightly, buoyed by the reassuring presence of his friend on the other end of the line.

After hanging up, Kenzo decided he felt too claustrophobic. With a sense of urgency, he hastily tucked the phone into his pocket and rolled two more blunts, his fingers moving with practised precision. He snatched a lighter from his bedside table, pulling on a jacket and slipping into his trainers over his pyjamas.

As he tiptoed towards the door, every creak of the floorboards felt like an echo in the silence of the night, each sound amplifying his sense of apprehension. He paused at the top of the stairs, straining his ears for any sign of movement from the living room where his stepfather slumbered.

When all remained still, Kenzo exhaled a silent sigh of relief and descended the stairs with cautious steps, his heart pounding in his chest. Every nerve in his body seemed to be on edge, a gnawing sense of unease clawing at the edges of his consciousness.

Once he reached the front door, Kenzo eased it open with trembling hands, wincing at the faint creak of the hinges. He slipped outside into the cool night air, the darkness enveloping him like a comforting blanket.

With a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure he hadn't been followed, Kenzo set off towards the park, his footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The familiar path unfurled before him, each step a testament to the memories that he had made here.

When he reached the park, Kenzo found solace in the empty benches scattered beneath the moonlit sky. He settled onto one of them, the cool metal beneath him a stark contrast to the warmth of his jacket.

As he sparked up one of the blunts, Kenzo inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of marijuana mingling with the crisp night air. With each exhale, he felt the weight of his worries begin to lift, replaced by a sense of calm that settled over him like a gentle breeze.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Kenzo allowed himself to simply be, to exist in the quiet solitude of the night, far removed from the chaos of his daily life. And in that moment, as he gazed up at the stars twinkling overhead, he felt a glimmer of hope flicker to life within him, a beacon of light guiding him through the darkness.

As Kenzo crept back home in the early hours of the morning, the pungent scent of weed clung to him like a second skin, permeating the air around him with every step he took. The darkness seemed to swallow him whole as he approached the front door, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

With trembling hands, Kenzo turned the key in the lock, the familiar creak of the door echoing through the silent house like a warning bell. His heart hammered in his chest as he stepped inside, his every movement amplified in the stillness of the night.

But before he could slip away unnoticed, a gruff voice shattered the silence from the living room. "Who's there?" his stepfather's voice boomed, thick with sleep and irritation.

Kenzo froze in his tracks, his heart sinking like a stone in his chest. He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as he struggled to form a coherent response.

As he began to ascend the stairs, the floorboards creaking beneath his weight, his stepfather emerged from the living room, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Kenzo? Is that you?" he growled, his voice laced with anger.

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