Chapter 37

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Kenzo emerged from the hospital, his steps slow and deliberate, his body still weak from his recent ordeal. Despite the pain coursing through his veins, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the security team that surrounded him, their vigilant presence shielding him from the chaos that swirled outside.

The hospital entrance was a frenzy of activity, with paparazzi and fans clamoring for a glimpse of their hero who had miraculously cheated death. Flashbulbs popped and voices clamored, but Kenzo remained focused, his gaze fixed on the waiting car that would take him to his next destination.

With his security detail forming a protective barrier around him, Kenzo navigated through the crowd, his movements slow and deliberate. Every step was a testament to his resilience, a silent defiance against the forces that sought to bring him down.

As he reached the waiting car, Kenzo climbed inside, his body sinking into the plush leather seat with a weary sigh. The car pulled away from the curb, leaving the chaos of the hospital behind as it embarked on the journey ahead.

Kenzo closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of respite as the car sped through the bustling city streets. Despite the pain that still lingered in his body, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that he had faced death and emerged stronger on the other side.

As the car approached its destination, Kenzo squared his shoulders, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. Whatever awaited him in the days to come, he knew that he was ready to face it head-on, with courage, determination, and a heart filled with the unwavering support of those who believed in him.


From the darkened confines of their hideout, the members of the League of Villains watched the live broadcast of Kenzo's departure from the hospital with keen interest. Scattered around the bar, their eyes were fixed on the unfolding scene, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and malice.

As Kenzo's figure appeared on the screen, surrounded by a phalanx of security guards, a low murmur rippled through the room. Dabi leaned forward in his seat, his eyes narrowed as he observed the hero's movements with a predatory gleam.

"Seems like Mortis's little run-in did wonders for his reputation," Spinner remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he leaned back in his seat. "But I still don't agree with this. He was one of the heroes Stain approved."

Shigaraki, seated at the centre of the group, remained silent, his gloved fingers tapping impatiently against the armrest of his chair. His gaze was fixed on the screen, his mind whirring with thoughts.

As the broadcast continued, showing Kenzo's car disappearing into the distance, a sinister smile spread across Shigaraki's face. "It's fun," he muttered, "toying with this guy. He just always comes back."

From one of the seats at the bar, a woman with fiery red hair sat, sharpening one of her large knives. Her narrowed green eyes watched the screen intently.

"Hey Mortis, why didn't you finish him off?" Mr. Compress asked, breaking the silence.

The woman, Mortis, looked up, her sharp eyes narrowing at Mr. Compress. "Ask Shigaraki."

"I've already told you guys. My master doesn't want him dead," Shigaraki muttered, standing up and making his way to the bar beside Mortis. "Kurogiri."

Kurogiri slid over a gin and tonic, before continuing to dry up the remaining glasses.

Dabi, lounging lazily on a nearby couch, smirked at Shigaraki's words. "Yeah, but it's not just his resilience that's impressive," he chimed in with a suggestive tone. "He's got quite the physique. Maybe I should pay him another visit, huh?"

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