Chapter 23

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The streets crawled with Nomu.

Determined to protect the innocent, Kenzo sprang into action. His body surged with power as he unleashed a barrage of gusts, sending Nomu sprawling in disarray. The air around him became charged with energy, amplifying his strength and speed. Fueled by a mix of raw power and aerokinetic abilities, he tore through the Nomu with an almost primal ferocity.

With a swift, calculated motion, Kenzo unleashed a gust of wind that sent a group of Nomu hurtling backward. His movements were a mesmerizing blend of finesse and brute force, as if the very air responded to his will. There was no holding back; every punch, every blast of wind was a declaration of his determination to shield the people caught in the crossfire.

As the battle raged on, Kenzo's golden hair whipped around him in a tornado of motion, his figure almost ethereal against the chaos. The destructive force he unleashed left a trail of defeated Nomu in his wake. Yet, amidst the intensity of the fight, a haunting realisation dawned upon him—Nomu weren't the only threat present. If there were Nomu, that meant the League of Villains, orchestrators of this mayhem, lurked in the shadows, watching and waiting.

Amidst the chaos, Kenzo's attention honed in on a terrified mother shielding her son from the relentless onslaught of Nomu. Swiftly, he manoeuvred through the battlefield, reaching the pair with a gust of wind that formed a protective barrier around them. The mother looked at him with gratitude and relief, clutching her son tightly.

As Kenzo witnessed the vulnerable embrace between the mother and child, an unexpected wave of emotions washed over him. In that moment, he saw echoes of his own past—a mother who had tried her best to shield him from the harsh realities of life, a mother whose love and sacrifice had shaped him.

For an instant, he hesitated, staring into the eyes of the young boy. The same innocence, the same vulnerability—it was a poignant reminder of what he had lost. The pain that had once defined his existence surged back, blending with the adrenaline of the battle. He couldn't save his own mother, but he could save this one.

With renewed determination, Kenzo forged ahead, leading the mother and her son to safety. The echoes of his past mingled with the urgency of the present, propelling him forward with a newfound sense of purpose. The battle against the Nomu was far from over, but in that fleeting moment, he had salvaged a piece of his own humanity.

Amid the chaotic battle against the Nomu, Kenzo's eyes caught a glimpse of Endeavor in the distance, fiercely engaged in the fight. However, there was a notable absence—Shoto was nowhere to be seen. The realization struck Kenzo, causing a momentary distraction as he searched for the young hero-in-training.

Caught off guard, he failed to notice a powerful Nomu charging towards him. The creature collided with Kenzo, sending him sprawling backward. The impact was forceful, and as he crashed to the ground, a searing pain radiated from his head. His hand instinctively went to the source of the pain, and when he pulled it away, it was stained with his own blood.

With a powerful gust, Kenzo sent the Nomu sprawling, the earth trembling beneath its weight. Landing gracefully, he positioned himself beside Endeavor, who was locked in combat with a formidable Nomu. Dispelling the creature with a focused blast, Kenzo turned his attention to his former mentor.

"Where's Shoto?" he demanded, urgency in his voice.

"He ran off earlier!" Endeavor responded with a growl. "He said his friend needed help! I couldn't stop him!"

As Kenzo swiftly dispatched an approaching Nomu with a resounding punch, a realisation struck him. "Endeavor, can you hold the fort down here? I think I know where your son's gone!"

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