Chapter 13

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In the midst of the chaotic scene, Shin's voice cut through the tension like a blade.

"I don't understand where they got all that blood though. And if it was the league, why would they do this to me?" Shin's fingers ran anxiously through his soft brown hair as he voiced his bewilderment.

The duo remained on the street outside the studio, the area cordoned off and teeming with law enforcement.

"Yeah," Kenzo responded thoughtfully, lifting his gaze from the pavement to meet his friend's troubled expression.

"It doesn't make sense. The league has no connection to me whatsoever." Shin took a contemplative sip of his cola, his eyes fixed on the police activity enveloping his art studio.

A surge of guilt coursed through Kenzo, prompting him to disclose the unvarnished truth to his friend.

"Shin, I never told you the full story."

"Full story?" Shin queried, his brows knit in confusion.

Amidst the swirling chaos, Kenzo mustered the courage to reveal the concealed truth to Shin.

"About what happened with Tomura Shigaraki. You... You're a target too," Kenzo admitted, his blonde hair shrouding his guilt-laden eyes as he stared intently at his feet. A palpable silence hung between them.

"What?" Shin whispered, aghast, taking an involuntary step backward, his face drained of color like a ghostly visage.

"I joined the UA staff and debuted because I thought I would be able to protect you." The weight of Kenzo's revelation lingered in the air, the gravity of the situation settling over them like an oppressive shroud.

Kenzo's admission hung in the air, and Shin's wide eyes searched his friend's face for an explanation. The distant hum of police activity and the muted sounds of the bustling crowd provided a surreal backdrop to the unfolding revelation.

"I didn't want you involved, Shin," Kenzo continued, his voice tinged with remorse. "But the League of Villains knows about our connection. They'll use anyone close to me to get to me. That's why they targeted your studio."

A hint of anger flickered in Shin's eyes as the pieces started to fall into place. "So, I'm just collateral damage in your hero drama?"

"No, Shin, it's not like that. I never wanted you to get involved in this mess. I wanted to keep you safe, but now they know about you. That message on the wall, it's a warning to me," Kenzo explained, frustration lacing his words.

Shin's shock began to morph into exasperation. "Why didn't you tell me, Kenzo? I could have—"

Kenzo interrupted, a hand on Shin's shoulder. "I wanted to keep you safe, shield you from this mess. But now, they've crossed a line. We need to face this together."

Shin's gaze softened and shifted from Kenzo's face to the chaos around them. "So, what's the plan? How do we deal with this?"

Kenzo took a deep breath, his mind racing. "First, we need to ensure your safety. Nezu will arrange additional security. We also have to be cautious about what we say or do. The League is watching, and they're trying to provoke a reaction."

As the two friends stood in the dimly lit, closed-off street beside Shin's vandalised studio, an intriguing determination sparked in Shin's eyes. He spoke with a softness that carried an unusual sincerity, "I may be quirkless, but I refuse to become a liability to you."

"Shin, you're not a—"

Shin swiftly interrupted, "I won't let those villains manipulate me in their sick games just to reach you. It's all so fucked up." He shook his head, a resolute glint in his gaze, "If they try to use me against you, they won't get anything. I promise you that."

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