Chapter 10

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Kenzo cracked open his can of Red Bull, taking a sip as he sat on the bench inside one of the training halls. He arrived a bit early, anticipating his class—none other than 1-A.

Mr. Aizawa had emphasised the need to concentrate not on the strengths of his students but on their exploitable weaknesses, especially with the upcoming sports festival.

Kenzo scrolled through his class roster on his phone, double-checking the names and quirks. The sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention, and he looked up to see the students of 1-A entering the training hall in their hero gear.

"Hey, isn't that the new teacher?" one student whispered to another, and a subtle buzz of curiosity rippled through the group.

"Morning, 1-A. I'm Kenzo Ikari, Pro hero Aero, your new combat training instructor. Today, we're going to work on some strategies for the upcoming sports festival." Kenzo stood up, tossing the empty Red Bull can into the recycling bin.

"How old are you?" a boy with spiky yellow hair asked suddenly.

Kenzo looked up and smirked at the directness of the question. "Old enough to teach and young enough to keep up with you guys," he replied, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

The students exchanged glances, some still unsure about their new instructor. "Now, before we get into the training, I want to know something about each of you. What's your quirk, and where do you think your strengths and weaknesses lie?"

A girl with pink hair eagerly raised her hand. "I'm Mina Ashido! My quirk is Acid. I think my strength is in agility, but sometimes I get a bit too carried away with my moves."

Kenzo nodded, acknowledging her input. "Good to know, Mina. Anyone else?"

A boy with a bird-like head raised his hand, and Kenzo pointed to him. "I'm Tokoyami. My quirk is Dark Shadow. Strengths? I have good control over my quirk, but it can get a bit unruly in the dark."

Kenzo listened attentively, making mental notes. He pointed to another student, a girl with rosy cheeks. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka. My quirk is Zero Gravity. I can make things float. My strength is in versatility, but sometimes I struggle with motion sickness."

Kenzo appreciated their honesty and openness. He pointed to a boy with a tape dispenser on his elbows. "I'm Hanta Sero. Quirk: Tape. I'm pretty agile and good at restricting opponents, but my weakness is that I rely too much on my tape."

A girl with long black hair and a series of hairclips raised her hand politely, and Kenzo pointed to her "Im Sakurai Kaori. My quirks are Charm and plant manipulation. My plant quirk doesn't work if I get too hot and my charm quirk... has a few problems"

Kenzo nodded in understanding. he had already been informed by Aizawa that he had a mini celebrity in his class.

(This is Kaori from my other book! Feel free to go check it out!)

As the introductions continued, Kenzo started to understand the dynamics of the class.

Kenzo surveyed the class, seeking insights into each student's quirk. His gaze fell on a guy at the back with spiky blonde hair.

"What about you? What's your quirk?" Kenzo pointed at him.

The boy looked Kenzo up and down with a slow, dismissive sweep before rolling his eyes.

The atmosphere grew tense as Bakugo, with an air of defiance, declared, "Explosions. And I'm not telling you my weaknesses."

Kenzo's annoyance simmered beneath the surface. This was a hero school, a place he reluctantly found himself in, and a student was showing him attitude. The uneasy shuffling of students around Bakugo indicated their discomfort with the situation.

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