Prove to me your false claims

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In a world where truth is sought, some seek paths that seem fraught. They claim the Earth, a flat disc, does lie beneath a dome, where stars comply.

Yet science shows with evidence clear, the Earth's a sphere, round and dear. For centuries, explorers sailed wide, proving this fact, with no divide.

As for Trump, some claim his win, despite the ballots that have been. But votes were counted, tallies made, and others led where he did fade.

Vaccines, they say, don't hold the key to curing ailments that we see. Yet history shows the lives they've saved, from diseases once we feared enslaved.

Climate change, a heated debate, but evidence, we cannot negate. The Earth grows warmer, glaciers melt, nature's balance starts to tilt.

Though some may seek to deny it, the facts remain, they testify. In science's light, we find our way, Through shadows of doubt, come what may.

So let us grasp the truth, firm and sound. In evidence, our truths are found. For in the realm of fact, we see the world as it is, eternally.

A Poet fighting for truthWhere stories live. Discover now