Pointing fingers and casting stones

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To those who stand upon their pulpits, thundering condemnation upon those who love differently, proclaiming it a sin deserving of imprisonment, I implore you to pause and reflect. Turn to the words of Matthew 7:3-5 and let them resonate within your souls.

For as you point fingers and cast stones, have you not examined your own hearts? Have you not considered the plank within your own eye while fixating on the speck in another's?

Consider this: when you indulge in self-pleasure, do you not partake in acts that, by your own narrow judgment, would be deemed 'gay'?

Therefore, I bid you, silence your sanctimonious tongues, and take your seats, for your hypocrisy is glaringly evident. Let humility guide your words, and compassion lead your actions. For in the end, it is not for us to judge, but to love and understand one another."

A Poet fighting for truthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang