When Love was deemed a crime

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In a realm where love was deemed a crime, Like Romeo and Juliet in their prime, Their hearts ignited, a forbidden flame, A love whispered softly, a secret game.

Their passion blazed like a wild fire, In shadows, they danced, their hearts entire. A clandestine affair, they dared not share, For society's judgment was too much to bear.

But secrets, they flutter on fragile wings, And tragedy looms, the sorrow it brings. The fates conspired, their love unveiled, Bonds shattered, their world now impaled.

Through tears of anguish, they paid the price, Love torn asunder, like melted ice. A tale of star-crossed hearts, so bittersweet, Their love once forbidden, now in retreat.

Yet in the whispers of their broken hearts, Lingers the essence of a love that departs. For even if society deemed it a crime, Their love remains eternal, throughout all time.

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