chapter 7 • MEDUSA

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"You can't completely avoid monsters, they're more common than you might think. The trick is to spot them before they spot you."

"It's true that they're more likely to sense a more powerful demigod, a child of the big three is most at risk, and we also have a child who can control the mist, meaning they're more of a target too."
Grover added.

Grover let out a small sigh and glanced over at Victoria, who was reading quietly.

Through the isle, Annabeth hurried towards us, screaming, "Guys, you need to open that window, NOW!" in a panic.

"I don't think these windows are meant to," Grover uttered confused then his gaze fell upon the creature that was creeping up on them.

The two managed to get the window to open, the glass broke shattering on the floor. Victoria rolled her eyes, a furie had flown right where she was seated moments before.

"You really have to get better at aiming."

Victoria was obviously unimpressed, and Annabeth took advantage of the moment to stab it in the chest.

The group fled through the window, abandoning the furies in the bus.

Percy watched Victoria closely to see if she'd have an attack, or show any signs but nothing?

A little while later, the group discovered itself in an unidentified forest.

"Up ahead, this becomes a saytr path somewhere." Grover clarified, he was attempting to provide some light on the situation.

"What does a saytr path mean?" Percy questioned.

"They are used by Saytr explorers to track us."

"That's great but if we're staying in the wilderness how are we gonna find a phone."

Annabeth stopped and turned to look at the two of them.

"We don't need a phone."

"We're fine, we don't need help."
Annabeth said, without even seeming to be convinced.

"You're lying to yourself Annie."

Speaking a little bit in front of them while reading her book Victoria spoke.

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