The Final Showdown

Start from the beginning

He was done playing nice. It was time to up the game. "I'm finished with all of you! If you want a show, I'll give you a show! Prepare yourself for..."


They all got transported to a fake simulation of their home as Mr Puzzles watched. He was always the observer in these challenges he set up. His screen turned on to a bunch of comments and said "Luckily I can count on my audience to give a good performance!"

Smg3 vs. Smg4

Who can last longer watching cringe Gacha content?

Suggested By: Flametail221

Three and Four appeared at a computer. "What the..?" It started playing YouTube videos of a gacha creator who put themselves in different movies and shows and...Hey wait a minute! That's my videos!


"What the heck! Why are my videos the cringy ones!" Mr Puzzles as the audacity to say "Well Iv'e been looking at your videos and you barely have any quality content."

"What do you mean!? I make excellent content!" Mr Puzzles rolls his eyes and says "Please. You hardly have over 1,000 subscribers." How dare this stupid piece of junk! I stuck a finger in his face and make it perfectly clear to him exactly what I think. "What are you going to say now! That I get more dislikes than likes! I can think of much more low quality gacha than my channel. Pick somebody else!"

"I would, but your followers request it! You don't want to disappoint them do you?" Ugh, stupid reverse psychology. "Fine. But we are going to have a serious talk later." (little does he know, I'm going to throw a chair at him). I storm out of the room and the challenge continues.

As Three and Four watch, discomfort slowly rises in them. "That ain't so bad..." Four starts to sweat. "Come on, be brave Three." His eyes tear up as he holds back from looking away. It starts to get harder as some of the older videos play, which are ten times worse. Four couldn't take it anymore as his body deflated. "Oh no! Cringe!" He collapsed on the floor, making Smg3 the winner.

Mario vs. Smg4

Who can create the best meme?

Suggested By: scarygermanperson

"This will be a breeze! Mario watches funny memios all the time!" He cracks his knuckles and begins slamming his hands against the keyboard. "Heh. I bet Smg4 hasn't even-"

"Done!" Smg4 says as wipes his forehead. Mario's eyes widened as he looks back and forth between the computer and the keyboard. He goes into hacker mode while trying not to have a panic attack to the point he just bangs his head on the keyboard till it breaks. He stares at the sparking and fizzing computer wreckage. Four shows his meme first as he has a tomato soop that he tried making back in January. "Pfff. Mario's meme is way better!" He shows off his meme that is just a crappy drawing of spaghetti. "Oooooo. What do you think? You like?" The judges set fire to their eyes after witnessing that horrid picture.

Saiko vs. Smg4

Who can get Kazuha the fastest in genshin?

Suggested By: ilickchildrenfeet

Saiko goes away on her computer, furiously playing through the game in order to get the ranks and completed quests she needs. Four has a smug grin on his face while watching her struggle as he turns and says with a wavering hand "You see I'm going to do what's called a pro gamer move!" He installs a cheat code and laughs manically, but once he presses a button a big red x pops up on the screen with text that reads "Your ID is banned for cheating! Play the game the correct way noob!" Four stands there with his hanging mouth while Saiko had just successfully unlocked the character as the Mario star collection music plays.

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