Chapter 25

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Amelia arrived home to her big home that she missed so much that she kissed the front lawn than she ran inside shouting for her mom's. They came out of the kitchen with smiles as Brooke spoke,

"Well look who decided to come home."

Amelia stared at both her mom's without a word as Terri spoke too,

"Look how much she has changed darling, I am in love with that new hairstyle she has and the new clothes."

Amelia sighed waiting for a lecture but she took in stride saying,

"I admit I have been gone to long first I went with Cecilia as you know, well that is when that sleep over turned rather awkward fast. Cecilia's mom MaryEllen introduced me to lesbian sex, it is amazing now I know why you two enjoy it so much anyways after we explored things didn't go back to normal especially with Cecilia. So, instead of being with my new classmate that is supposed to go to Yale with me, I have fallen in love with her mom MaryEllen, I am going to a college here after I graduate school even though the principal has granted me early graduation I am not taking it now. MaryEllen is divorcing her husband Gregory once I turn eighteen and I will be living in a apartment with her. Question now is...can I marry her? After her divorce."

Terri and Brooke dropped their coffee's all over everything with their mouth's wide open. Amelia knew this is going to get bad since she blurted everything out and that things have now changed completely including her going to Yale. Terri being the brave one cleared her throat saying,

"Amelia, what is going on? What about Brianna?"

Amelia rolled her eyes replying,

"She's going to Germany with another woman, I am wanting to be separated from her and everyone else in this dreary life including I am tired of keeping Brianna out of trouble. I will live my life differently and so will she."

Terri shivered responding,

"I can't comprehend why you want to be with MaryEllen all because she taught you something me and your mother couldn't. We love you and always will support your decision's including this college choice that we don't mind but Cecilia seemed perfect for you."

Amelia gave out a frustrating sigh replying,

"Mom, she isn't perfect, she is very selfish and I have no concern over her achieving life."

Brooke got up from the couch walking toward Amelia slowly saying,

"Amelia, please listen to your mom, you can't marry this woman all because she pleased you. You could of made love to Cecilia and wouldn't ruin anything. MaryEllen is way to old for you, we will keep you in school and home until you find another love but you are no longer to see MaryEllen anymore."

Amelia came toe to toe with both of her mom's replying,

"I will love who I want and I will see MaryEllen for as long as I feel the need to either break up with her or marry her when I become of age. My choices, my decision's, my life. You can't keep me here, neither of you can, I am going to pack my belongings and get out of here."

Terri held Amelia's wrist before she could turn away responding,

"Amelia, please..."

Amelia released her wrist, running upstairs with her head down. Amelia got to her room, landing on her bed with tears flowing as she heard her closet open she dried her tears and turned around seeing Misty her Asian friend from the beginning that they had a girls night with, she softly spoke,

"Amelia, I heard everything about Cecilia's mom and how you feel. I am having the same issue though I haven't told our mom's yet."

Amelia raised a brow replying,

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