Chapter 14

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Amelia and the girls enjoyed the games,chit chatting up the storm, as Kyle brought up the most embarrassing thing ever she announced out loud,

"I know this sounds weird for being the one girl in this group who has been with Amelia over night, I am crushing on her."

Amelia blushed enormously on this factor when it came out on the four of them. Amelia got up saying,

"I will be right back, need to go ask my mom something."

Kyle stopped Amelia halfway to the door replying,

"I am sorry Amelia please don't hate me or anything."

Amelia smiled replying,

"No, it's not what you said just need to ask my parents something about a meal to cook for all of us."

Kyle smiled and went back to Bethany and Misty as they were giggling to one another as Amelia rushed down stairs knocking on her parents bedroom door as Terri said,

"Yes, who is it?"

Amelia silently replied,

"It is me mom can I come in to speak with you both?"

Terri and Brooke glanced at one another naked as they grabbed their robes saying,

"Yes, you can princess."

Amelia walked in knowing the smell of the room that they had made love again as she kept telling herself they are in the young love phase still as she sat down at the end of her bed with her head down saying,

"Kyle admitted to the whole room that she is crushing on me."

Terri and Brooke both got on each side of her as Brooke replied,

"It is just a crush not to worry baby girl."

Brooke pushed Amelia's hair back behind her ear, Amelia responded,

"Mom, seriously this going to be bad if Brianna is ever found and comes this way."

Terri lifted Amelia's head saying,

"Baby girl, you might as well move on cause Brianna seems to be needing help and she will more then likely end up in rehab for everything."

Amelia then cried in Terri's arms unable to handle everything at the moment, she knew her blade was somewhere and needed it. Amelia wipes her tears then see's Kyle,Misty and Bethany at the door of her parents that is when she runs to the back of the house as Terri apologizes to the girls saying,

"She is still hurting over Brianna, we don't know if she'll ever come out of this."

Misty and Bethany both respond,

"Who is Brianna?"

That then is when Kyle spoke up replying,

"Her first love back home."

Kyle goes to the couch hiding her face in despite of everything, Misty and Bethany holding hands and kissing just once as they say to Kyle,

"We are heading home, see you in school, had fun by the way."

Kyle waved them goodbye seeing that they were a happy couple wishing she had someone like that.


Brianna settled next to Mia as they watched a movie called Dear John wasn't lesbian of any type very romantic though as Brianna sensed Mia's hormones raging next to her, Brianna looked at Mia saying,

"I know you're in the mood Mia you can't hide it from me."

Mia turned bright red replying,

"You are sixteen and I am twenty-six, don't even think about it Brianna."

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