That was good, I didn't want him to watch me do it.

In my mouth, there were ridiculous fireworks. The sugar coated my tongue and sent little shivers down the back of my neck. The first bite was difficult to swallow, then not so much for the rest. I can't finish everything.

I think my emotions took over for half a second, I was everything, then I felt my eyes watering up. Realizing this, I took a huge breath while looking at the ceiling to stop this bullshit that was stronger than me. Pull yourself together, idiot.

It was ridiculous, but I was happy.

I left the leftovers on the plate, took my coffee a little cold, and came to sit next to Isaac in silence. He smelled good.

"I'm going to take you somewhere today, go change," he ordered me suddenly.

I looked at him suspiciously, dreading the moment when he would tell me that we were going to get ourselves into another quagmire, but no. He added nothing more.

"Where... ?" I dared to ask.

But instead of answering me, he got up, leaving his empty cup on the island, and went out.r the large terrace. Like the day before, he leaned against the railing and lit a new cigarette. I won't have an answer.

It was crazy how much he hated talking, as if doing so was a burden, an insurmountable task. Are all introverts the same?

Isaac wasn't just one of those cold, ruthless mercenaries you saw on TV. He was more than this cliché, and the more time passed, the more I realized it. Isaac had his personality, his character trait, his way of living, speaking, communicating, reading and understanding others. Everything was his own in his way of doing and being.

He was a difficult character to discern, to understand, and that's what attracted me so much about him from the beginning, something that still hadn't changed.

I stopped my thoughts, cleared my mug and my unfinished toast before rushing into my room. There, I took off my pajamas and dressed instead in a loose white long-sleeved t-shirt and faded blue jeans. That should do.

After a quick wash, I returned to the living room, where Isaac, also changed, seemed to be waiting for me while typing on his cell phone. He hadn't lost his temper yet, that was a first.

When he noticed my presence, he raised his head and looked at me quickly. Strangely, he gestured for me to come and sit next to him. Doubtful and without a word, I moved up to his level, and sat down beside him. There, he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me so that my back was to him. I did not understand.

With his icy fingers brushing the back of my neck, he grabbed my loose hair, and I jumped slightly, surprised, but I let him do it. My hair was slightly wavy, so I didn't brush it, and I felt him gently separate it into equal parts while trying not to hurt me. What was he doing ?

Once done, I felt him begin to braid me with his skillful fingers. The silence that reigned was punctuated only by the light sound of our breathing and the rustling of hair between his fingers.

When he reached his back, he stopped. I then turned around, a small smile on my lips. And his eyes, yes his eyes, were so beautiful, right away.

At that moment his gaze was a poem that I read in a low voice,

Two black stars that inspired me with words that I couldn't pronounce,

And in this multitude of mixed feelings,

I knew they were where I belonged.

I had a rubber band on my wrist, so I pulled my braid in front of me to seal it. I wondered how he learned to braid, but the thought was interrupted.

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