The Peculiarities of Ophelia Roux

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Had it not been for the lady in red, we wouldn’t be where we are now. Her gloved hands, gently lulling the man to his final dream. Her gloves, disposed of meticulously, retrieved from the river Seine after a week from their disposal. The recounts of countless witnesses - she left behind so many of them, and yet none could identify her. No-one could tell me anything about the lady in red. Who was she? Why did she slip from my grasp once more?

I’m ashamed to admit it, but this latest death was not the first time I had come across the lady in red. Truth be told, she has become somewhat of a ghost, haunting my every waking moment, with her crimson cloak, her burgundy shawl, her ruby boots. Her outfit was always the same, crimson cloak, burgundy shawl, ruby boots. She always dressed the same, the lady in red - so said the witnesses. So many witnesses - to each crime she committed. Did she enjoy an audience? Did she get some sick pleasure from the cries of those innocents? Her entrances were swift and quiet, she'd take what she came for quietly - but her exits like a hurricane, so that all saw her little show, everyone partaking in her despicable game of charades.

So many had seen her. And yet - not one person could tell me anything more about her than what everyone knew - that she wore a crimson cloak, a burgundy shawl, and ruby boots. Once a witness claimed to know her true identity. I was ecstatic, ready to finally discover her name. We left the witness alone for not an hour. And in that time, in those minutes between 2:25 PM and 3:15, the lady in red has taken her soul, leaving behind a corpse and questions hanging in the air. My assistant asked me how I knew it was her. Was it not obvious? The perfection of the method - a shot, cleanly in the head, muffled by her burgundy shawl, so that not a soul heard the shot taken. And the obvious - her calling card. Even without an audience, she had to make sure this death would be accredited to her. A single red asphodel. Resigned, I left the police station.

As I walked through the snow, I thought of her. The lady in red. I had begun to call her Ophelia Roux privately, a name found through affection for her character, in relation to the image she had in my mind. It suited her so much more than her bland moniker, given to her by the common folk. Privately - I was relieved the witness did not share her name with me - perhaps I would find myself disappointed. I passed the Parque Monceau and walked on, the snow falling softly down onto the ground and crunching under my boots. It was growing dark, as though an angel up above was pulling a blanket over earth, so that God didn’t have to see what happened here at night. I finally made it to my tenement.

I turned the key in my door, opening it quietly and entering the apartment. I placed my bag gently on the cupboard where I kept my scarves and shawls, next to the wardrobe where I kept my coats and cloaks. I walked further into my apartment, sighing softly to myself. Perhaps, I thought, perhaps it was not designed for me to know Ophelia Roux’s true identity. I walked up to my kitchen island, pouring myself a glass of red. Perhaps this is what was written for me, neverending oblivion and ignorance in face of the truth. I sipped on the red. But then again, I thought, why should I care for what was written for me? Why should I resign to the power of destiny - allow it to control my present and future? No, I thought, I shall write my own destiny. I drained my glass and strode towards the hall, with one thing only in mind - catching Ophelia Roux.

But alas, I have been misleading you to an extent. You must forgive me, it was not a lie on my part - rather an omission of the truth. For you see - I am more than just a detective on a case, more than just a young woman, obsessed with the lady in red. No - I am more than that. For you see - I have seen her face. Just twice, no more. Once - at the charity ball where she made her debut. She - in all her chivalry - she saved me, pulling me from the depths of the fountain, thoughtlessly placed in the centre of some ridiculously rich philanthropist’s grand hall, where I found myself by some cruel accident. Yes - Ophelia Roux had been the one to pull me from that fountain, to save my life. Of course, before taking the life of that ridiculously rich philanthropist, and disappearing into the night.

And the second time was that very night. Yes, I saw her that night. I saw her in my hall. Darned demoness, she must’ve found a way to bypass my locks. I looked for my brown boots, to have something to wear - I was not planning to go out without shoes, after all - but could not find any brown ones. She must’ve taken them. In their usual place stood other shoes - her shoes. Her ruby boots. I turned to open the wardrobe, and in it was her crimson cloak. Panicked, I threw open my scarf drawer - and there it was, like I expected. Her burgundy shawl, with a burnt-out hole in it, about the size of that .22 calibre bullet that had killed my witness. I closed the wardrobe - and that was the moment I saw her face, just as I had remembered it. My lady in red. A lone tear ran down my cheek as I stifled a cry, knowing the inevitable. There she was - standing in my hall. Looking at me, from the other side of the mirror.

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