The Sword of Light

Start from the beginning

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, Amara couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of her stomach. Fenrir appeared trustworthy on the surface, but there was something in his eyes that made her question his true intentions. The gnawing sense of doubt swirled in her mind like a persistent storm, threatening to consume her at any moment.

Near on an hour passed as they ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, the oppressive darkness pressing in on all sides. The frosty weather had grown more intense as they struggled to push through the ever-deepening snow, following along in the trenches left behind from Fenrir's feet. Amara clung to the hope that the weapon Fenrir spoke of would soon reveal itself, guiding them on their path.

At last, Fenrir came to a halt in a small clearing nestled among towering trees. The branches reached high into the sky, casting swirling shadows over the snowy forest floor. In the centre of the clearing stood a stone pedestal, its rough surface covered in moss and lichen. Upon it rested a gleaming sword, its hilt adorned with intricate runes that seemed to pulse with ancient magic.

"There it is," Fenrir said, gesturing towards the sword. "The Sword of Light."

Amara's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the legendary weapon. She dismounted from Shadowmere and approached the pedestal, pulling up her cloak to shield her from the strengthening blizzard as she reached out to grasp the hilt of the sword.

As her fingers reached out to touch the ancient artifact, a deep, guttural growl pierced the stillness of the clearing. Before she could react, an unseen and immeasurable force slammed into her, lifting her off her feet and hurling her across the snowy expanse.

Her body hit a nearby tree with a loud wallop, knocking the wind right out of her. She groaned as she pulled herself upright, thanking the maiden that she hadn't broken a bone, and turned to see Fenrir's eyes narrowed in a menacing glare, its teeth bared in a snarl.

She knew then that she had been deceived. This was no guardian of the forest but an ancient and intelligent creature. One that had not seen a proper meal in years.

Amara looked around in a panic as Fenrir slowly stalked towards her, the ground beneath her trembling with every strong step. She caught sight of her sword glimmering in the snow and dived for it just as the large creature let out a fierce roar and lunged forward to attack.

With a swift movement, Amara snatched her sword from the ground and braced herself as Fenrir charged towards her, its massive jaws snapping hungrily. Amara parried his bite with the pommel of her sword, managing to send him reeling backwards as she retreated backwards several steps. She held onto her blade with both hands as she watched the creature catch its balance, shaking its great head and letting out another enraged roar.

Amara backed away another few steps, her muscles tense as she waited for her chance to strike.

This time, Fenrir attacked quickly and without hesitation, its massive claws lashing out towards her chest. With nimble reflexes, she managed to dodge the blow and parry its claws away with her sword, deflecting its momentum back towards her opponent.

Another vicious roar escaped Fenrir's throat as the large creature charged forward again, aiming a swipe at Amara's ribs. However, she managed to jump out of its reach once more with practiced ease, allowing herself a moment to breathe as she eyed the creature warily.

Her boots sank down into the relentless snow beneath them, restricting her movement as she continued backing up to put some distance between her and the creature. Her breath came in short bursts of white fog as she fought to stay upright in spite of the relentless cold, and her whole body had already begun to ache from fatigue.

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