Chapter 5 Space Battle of Ryloth

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note before we start--- before we start a few thing be diffrent for starts the CIS fleet other Ryloth be far bigger than normal due tot he CIS know earth with the Republic so there be more ship there to start with and the space battle be Different

2nd the battle of ryloth be in two part this part be the space battle

the 2nd part be the Landing at Nabat where were meet Numa and then meeting Syndulla and the final battle

this chapter also show how the earth fleet has split up in to it smaller group and who lead them in the Republic space and there there two base are

this also take place a month after arriving so far earth now been to the front line as they been setting up there base and getting there solder ready

i also want to say Sorry in advance as im not the best at describing a battle so i do what i can to show how it works

any way on with the story




( intro)

it been 1 months now sins the Meeting with the Galactic Senate and Forming an Alliance with the Republic and it Clone army and in that time The Senate had allow earth to make two base for there force to use in the galaxy and had given earth and it people a few ships to help carry there Solders around them being 20 Acclamator-class assault ship the fist was near the Naboo medical station aka Kaliida Shoals Medical Cente witch was attack only a few months a go by the CIS Prized heavy cruiser Malevolence but was stop when Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Shadow Squadron took down the weapon with help from Obi wan and Skywalker Padwan.

any way earth was allowed to make there own space port there witch was a Refit station named Anchor 9 ( if you played halo reach it in one of the Mission ) and with it where 4 mac platform to defend it and the medical base there for the republic as it would mostly be used as a medical hub for solders and a place to refit and rearm ship and make repairs

the 2nd base was at the Planet Eclipse as Eclipse was a planet in the Deep Core, hidden in an asteroid field and mostly Remote so with permission from it people witch was mostly human earth made Orbital Defense Platform, also known as a MAC Platform to protect the plant along with a few space station to refit and resupplies ship and even a small out post at the edge of the asteroid field to see what may come and go why also making two base on the planet to train officer and to act as a base for ground forces

after this it was said any world Liberate by earth may be use to make more base if the Senate deems it to be fit witch earth understood and with in the last month a earth fleet had arrived as the fleet was made up of over 1208 ships as well as a few other Rear admiral and admiral along with few construction ships and Supplies ships to aid in keeping thing going

with this the fleet had been Separate into smaller task force to work alone or with Republic fleets as there were a few Home fleets and each led by a Rear admiral or Admiral as Earth was not going to leave there two base or the Republic Capital un Defend but they were also not just going to sit back and do nothing so the fleet were made and put in a even Numbers 

the 1st batch of fleets were the home fleets as they were fleets of ships made to help protect the planets and base under earth control 

The 1st Home fleet made up of 4 Valkyrie-type Battlestar, 5 Nebula class Starship, 8 Galaxy class Starship, 8 Excelsior class Starship, 5 Akira class Starship, 5 Luna class Starship, 12 Miranda class Starship, 8 andromeda class battleship, 8 Arizona-class space battleship, 12 Main Battleship Dreadnought and leading them was Admiral Adama, Jupiter-class Battlestar aka Galactica were the 1st home fleet there job was to Protect the Planet known as Planet Eclipse and there base and the people there from CIS attacks

Earth federation in the Clone warsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora