"Ta da! Hypno-potamus." Hypno announced.

"Mutant hippo?" April questioned.

"That bitter biscuit Noah Sheck. Oh, he made a middle school disappear. Well, forget that hack. I'm telling you. Tonight I'm gonna make a high school disappear starting with this mascot! Behold the awesome functionality of my hats of doom." Hypno stated.

He pressed a button to reveal a student in dragon mascot clothing hovering above the stage by chains around his arms. Hypno began to toss a hat underneath the mascot.

"Abra ka zealan- Wait. Wait a minute. Something's not quite right. Where do you think you're going, missy?" Hypno questioned as he caught April who was planning to leave.

"I want to serve you...... Ah, forget it, that's whack," April said as she started running.

"Get her!" Hypno commanded.

In the hallway, Mayhem had brought us in.

"I hate poofing." Raph said.

"Wait a second. This is April's school.. She's the one in trouble. We got to dress up as high school students." Pixal stated.

We all started to pick out some disguises.

"Okay. Let's split up and find April." Raph said.

"He's so cute. Take a picture. Take a picture," Leo said as he picked up Mayhem.

"Not now, Leo. Let's go," I commanded.

Meanwhile, April ran into the science room to hide. She pulled a desk to block the door and hide just as Taylor burst in.

"April, it's your BFF Taylor. I just wanna hang," Taylor said in a trance.

They looked around and thought they saw April, but it was a skeleton decoy prop. April then ran outside the room and slammed the door shut.

"GET HER!" Taylor yelled.

As April hid in a locker, she spotted a hat above her, and inside was an hourglass.

"What's this do?" April questioned.

Suddenly, the hat disappears. She jumped out of the way just in time as the lockers were sucked into the hat.

"He's gonna make us all disappear permanently!" April said in shock.

"Get her." Taylor said in a trance.

April starts to run away from Taylor and the other students. Outside, The rest of us are searching for April until they spot her.

"I'm sorry, was that April being chased by her totally real friends?" Leo asked.

"Guys, get on those carts," Sonic commanded.

"I always wanted to drive one of those." Raph stated.

April continues to run away until she becomes cornered by the students.

"Join us. Play the game." Dale said in a trance.

"Dale, you're so hypnotized, you'd say anything." April said in shock.

Mayhem appears and poofs April to safety.

"Mayhem, you came back. I'm so sorry about... Yeah, nope." April said as she saw students next to her.

She continues to run until she gets cornered again.

"Mayhem, now's a good time to poof us out of here!" April exclaimed.

Mayhem tried to poof them away but he was too exhausted.

"Look at you. You're exhausted. You must be out of poof juice. Not to worry. I've got this. They will listen to me. I'm April O'Neil!" April said with confidence.

"Who?" The teens said, confused.

"We're in trouble." April said.

Suddenly, Taylor's float crashed by.

"Tally ho!" Charmy yelled.

We rolled to a stop as the students blinked, confused.

"Is this A.P Bio?" Silver asked.

We drive the carts past them and stop as April climbs on.

"Drive." April commanded.

"Where's the exit?" Raph asked.

"No, we can't leave. Hypno's gonna make the school disappear." April replied.

"What?!" Blaze exclaimed.

"Another school is gonna disappear? These magicians are out of control. Oh, right, it's your school, my bad." Leo said.

"That mutant Hippo's got doom hats hidden all over the school. But it's gonna be fine. We got a plan. You gotta break Hypno's spell and free my friends. Okay acquaintances. Just free everybody." April said.

She drives off, leaving us to deal with Hypno. As we enter the theater, Hypno is staring at his cards, waiting for the students to come back.

"Finally, you're back. I was- Oh, it's you idiots." Hypno said.

"Hypno! Welcome to another edition of Raph the piece theater. Tonight's episode..Punches." Raph announced.

"But first, how do you make a school disappear? Well, don't tell me! Okay, tell me. I-" Leo cuts off.

"Not now," Jay screamed.

"A good magician never reveals his plans, but a good villain always does. I've torn guys. I've gotta be honest. Therefore, Rings! This your card?" Hypno asked.

The mutant hippo flinging cards off his sleeve, Leo began to dodge them.

"How did you?" Leo asked.

"Hey, are you friends with Noah Sheck? We're huge fans," Raph said.

"Sheckter piece now!" Leo yelled.

"Ew. Would be. He wears kit caps in summer! Who does that?" Hypno disgusted as he throws knives at us.

"Oh, really? Because wanting a school to disappear reminds me of his trick. Maybe you're the hack!" I yelled as I knocked the doves away.

"My doves! Say rabbit, rabbit." Hypno said.

Rabbits charged forward at us.

"Let's go!" Jet yelled as we started charging.

Outside, Hypno was slammed right out while April and Mayhem collected the hats.

"Get out of the way! We got to do something," April exclaimed.

Mayhem teleports away. Outside, we are surrounded by the students as Hypno raises his phone.

"Mezmer roo!" Hypno commanded.

Mayhem appears and teleports all of the hats and Hypno with him.

"Aw, look at that cheerleader outfit. That is cute...Oh, Whanganui." Hypno said as he disappeared.

All of the hats and Hypno disappear, causing an explosion. All of the students had snapped out of their trance as April rolled by. The float cart was now damaged as Mayhem appeared into April's arms.

"You and your ugly cat destroyed my float, O'Neil!" Taylor snarled as she left.

"So April, If you, uh, you know, don't have a fate for the next shindig, I-" Dale cuts off.

"Not now, Dale." April said.

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