Chapter 4 :- Training

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They each were shown their separate rooms were they slept. Their training began at dawn, as the first light of morning pierced through the forest, casting long shadows upon the forest floor. With focused determination, they gathered in a clearing, their minds clear and their spirits ready for the challenges that lay ahead. Jade and Ashley stood before them, looking calm and composed as they prepared to lead the trio through their training regimen.

To master your powers," Ashley began, her voice carrying a weight of authority, "you must first learn to understand them." With that, Jade led them through a series of exercises designed to hone their control and precision. Sam practiced channeling his elemental abilities, conjuring big barriers made from soil. June focused on her telekinetic powers, moving objects with the power of her mind alone. Alex experimented with his super strength and speed.

Jade and Ashley demonstrated the art of shapeshifting, morphing effortlessly into each other before their eyes. By the days end the trio were tired of the restless training. They collapsed onto their beds and fell asleep. The next morning, as the first light of dawn filtered through the windows of the mansion, Ashley gathered the group together in the main hall. Her expression was serious, yet determined, as she addressed her companions.

"It's time," Ashley announced, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Time for us to choose our weapons." Jade, ever the decisive leader, stepped forward, a determined gleam in his eyes. "Follow me," he said, gesturing for the others to follow as he led the way to a room at the far end of the hall. Entering the room, the group was met with an impressive array of weapons. Swords of various shapes and sizes hung from racks along the walls, their blades catching the morning light in a dazzling display.

Hammers and axes leaned against the walls, their edges gleaming with a deadly sheen. Daggers were neatly arranged on tables, their edges honed to razor-sharp perfection. And staffs stood at rest against the walls, imbued with the power of the elements. As mentors, Jade and Ashley understood the importance of guiding their charges in choosing the right weapons. Ashley's gaze swept over the room, searching for weapons that would suit each of their unique abilities.

Her eyes landed on a pair of slender, elegant daggers, identical to her own. She nodded towards them, knowing that they would be a perfect fit for June." These daggers," Ashley said, her voice confident, as she gestured towards them "They will become an extension of yourself, aiding you in your journey." June's eyes lit up with determination as she reached for the twin daggers, feeling their weight and balance in her hands. Jade turned his attention to Sam, noting the earthy determination in his eyes. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on a sturdy, well-balanced staff propped against the wall. Sam nodded, a sense of purpose filling him as he reached for the staff, feeling its energy resonate with his own. As for Alex, Ashley spotted a gleaming sword resting on a nearby rack. Its blade shimmered in the dim light, exuding an air of power and strength.

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