Chapter 10

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~Ninja point view~

The other Ninjas were looking for Kai and Nya and some clue when they heard a weird sound. '??' Zane, Jay, and Lloyd thought at the same time. "Lloyd you should check it out," Jay said, Lloyd looked at him with a a disappointed face. "Why me?" Lloyd said as they turned to Zane who walked in front of them. "I should go check it out." Zane said "No, Zane. We can't lose you again like last time." Jay said he and Lloyd remember how Zane sacrificed himself to save Ninjago City. "Then what about you Jay, you should check it out right?" Lloyd said, Jay shook his head fiercely. "No, I don't want to go! I'm scared especially that monster!" Jay shouts, "*sigh* Fine I will go." Lloyd said leaving the room. When Lloyd was walking, he heard a weird scream making him confused. 'what was that? I better check it out.' Lloyd thought increasing the speed walk. 'If I'm not wrong the sound came from the kitchen...' Lloyd thought, a few steps before he reached the kitchen, he heard a door slammed. Lloyd rushed to see what happened to the kitchen as he saw Cole sitting down in fear.

"Cole? Are you alright?" Lloyd said as he crunched down to see if  Cole was alright. "Yeah.., I'm fine... I guess.." Cole said as his body trembled in fear. "Are you sure Cole..? you don't look fine..." Lloyd said making Cole shake his head. "No, I'm fine Lloyd," Cole said. Before Lloyd another word a bang sound was heard behind Cole, making Cole jump and walk away slowly from the door with Lloyd. "What was that?!" Lloyd said as the door slowly destroyed a little revealing the creature's eyes and looking at Cole and Lloyd making them flinch. "GAH!" the creature shouted so loud making Lloyd and Cole close their ear as the whole building shook. With Jay and Zane, they found a note in the book in the library. "Hey, Zane! I found a note here!" Jayshoutedt grabbed the book with a note on it as Zane went to him. "What does it say?" Zane said curious about what Jay had found. "Oh, it says... "Summoning humanoid creature..." Jay said as he opened the book.

"It says that the creature was summoned to the mysterious room inside the kitchen room. Which the creature look like this." Jay said as he showed the creature photo to Zans he scanned it and sent it to Pixal. "Wait..., If the creature was summoned in the room inside the kitchen room.. then what about Lloyd and Cole.." Zane said making them realize that the sound that they heard was from the monster. "We should head there no-" Jay said before he finished his sentence the unknown scream was heard as the floor was shaking making them lose their balance. "I think we are too late!" Zane said. Meanwhile, Kai and Nya were on the third floor after moving away from another house. "Kai, do you think the monster is not here?" Nya said looking around the place "I don't know but we need to keep moving or else the monster chase us." Kai said as he looked at the note he and Nya found which was written "The Demon has a sensitive smell, if they smell blood,  they will try to find them cause they are Carnivora.". When they wanted to go to the next floor, they heard a scream which made them alert and the ground started to shake. "Woah?!" Kai gasped as he and Nya the grap on the canister fell from the stairs. "What was that sound?!" Nya shouted when they looked they saw a few corpses falling from above, they looked up and saw a rotten corpse which made Nya and Kai shiver and they tried their best not to vomit from the rotten smell.

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