Chapter 1

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Okay, the reason I make this story cause I read some fanfiction story about ninjago and the story is no copy write. If you guys accidentally found some story that have the same line like the other story, I repeat its not copy the other story. I make my own story from what I thought is may be same but I will make sure it was not same. My first language is not english so there will be mistake type here. I hope you guys enjoy the story bye~
'Thought talk'
('Mind talk')
"Normal talk"
"Ability name"

A boy was landed on the empty room where Zhake make it only for him, only for the boy with resources and other stuff that people need. The sun shine from the window hit the boy face

The boy point view~
I feel a light hit my face as I slowly open my eyes and slowly sit up. "Where am I?" I said while looking around the room I stand up slowly since I have headed, I walked around when I saw a mirror 'I should see myself on the mirror...' I thought to myself as I went to the mirror seeing myself.

(This is what the boy looked like also pls pretend he didn't blindfolded and without the necklace)

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(This is what the boy looked like also pls pretend he didn't blindfolded and without the necklace)

'So this is me...' I thought as I smile. After that my eyes feel hurt as I blinking few time a blood came out of my eyes like I was crying, my vision slowly turn red as I look around the place to find some bandages. When I was in the living room I found the medicine case, I open the med case and found the bandage. I pick the bandage than warp my eyes few time as I feel the pain slowly gone.

'What... happen to my eyes...?' I thought to myself as I touched the bandage on my eyes ('That because of your sensitive power.') Someone said in my thought as I flinch and looked around the room and found no one. 'What..?' I thought myself with confusion as I heard a chuckle in my thought. ('boy it's me.') Someone said as I thought someone that I just me. ('Wait.. are you Zhake?') I asked in my thought ('Yup, also to answer your question because your power making your body very sensitive.') Zhake said making me confused ('making me sensitive?') I thought ('Yes, cause the glitch power were fused with your soul causing some part of your body turn sensitive like your eyes. Your eyes turn sensitive few minutes when you woke up. Your eyes could see anything even if you wear the bandage isn't it?') Zhake said in my thought.

Now he said about it I still could see anything even if I wear bandage on my eyes and my ears slowly turn that I could other people talking and their heart rate outside. ('Yeah..')I answer as I slowly become uncomfortable cause I could heard a lot of sound making me a little bit dizzy and Zhake know my uncomfortable. ('The reason why I talk in your mind it's because I want to give you a glitch orb necklace.') Zhake said as a necklace appear on the tin air as I grap the necklace and wore it. When I wore it the sound was slowly reduced making me hear like a normal person. ('This necklace allows you to control you glitch power and to reduced your sensitive hearing.') Zhake said as I smile in comfortable. ('Thank you for the necklace it's really helpful.') I said ('Your welcome boy. Also I forget to asked you, what is your name?') Zhake said

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