Chapter 11.5

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~Ninja point view~

They all looked at the glitch ninja in surprise as they went to the glitch ninja to make sure he wouldn't die. "Zane, how is it?" Lloyd said as Cole and Jay leave the place to find some bandage. "He is still breathing but lost some blood. if we don't patch his scar he will die of blood loss." Zane said he used his ice element to prevent bleeding so much. "Nya do you still have the bandage that you used for me?" Kai said, "I have but it's not enough for him." Nya said, she went to Zane and started warping his hand. "Pixal do you hear me?" Lloyd said hoping Pixal to answer his call. "Yes, Lloyd. I'm here, what is going on?" Pixal said that she and Master Wu supported his father (Wu's father is Zhake). "Pixal go, I can handle this," Wu said as Pixal nodded and went to the computer. "Pixal, we found the glitch ninja but he was badly injured from the fight," Lloyd said as Pixal typed something into the computer. "Okay wait there, I will send you the van now," Pixal said as the van automatically on and drove to the location where the ninjas were. "Thanks, Pix," Lloyd said as he ended the call. "Guys, we found some bandages," Jay shouted as his head was hit by Cole. "Hey don't shout so much, you will get the monster's attention," Cole whispered.

"Yeah-yeah," Jay said as they gave the bandage to Nya as she patched the glitch ninja. Kai looks outside and notices some monster walking around the city he and the monster make eye contact. "Guys..., we need to go now..." Kai walked back a bit and the monster screamed for the far alerting the other monster. Cole picked the glitch ninja (piggyback the glitch ninja), and Nya kept the bandages if they needed them. they all jump out the window as Zane uses his ice element to make a slide, "Lloyd do you know where the van's location was?" Zane said as the other ninja shot their element at the monster who tried to destroy the slide. "It was near the City center, we need to go the before the monster catches us," Lloyd said as the monster jumped in front of them but Kai blasted them with his fire sending them back. "Nice one Kai!" Lloyd shouts "Thanks." Kai said as Jay zapped the monster behind them.

"We are almost there," Zane shouts as they all see the van from the far (The van is the one that they ride in one of the Ninjago films before they lose the van from falling.). Zane makes a sharp slide which makes them jump into the air as the Van opens the top allowing them to land inside the Van. "Hello, everyone. I'm happy that you guys are safe from the monster." Pixal said as she took control of the Van and drove it to the secret underground. "Finally! we escape from the monster!" Jay shouted in relief, Cole put the glitch ninja on the chair and the glitch ninja mask fell revealing the real face. '.... Pretty..' Cole thought looking at Akito's face as his face heated up. 'No, bad Cole.' Cole thought as he shook his head and put the mask back on Akito's face. When he looked back he saw the monster beside the van looking at them. "I think you spoktooto soon," Cole said, the other looked at him and saw the monster jump to the van making the van shake. "Apologize, but we have trouble." Pixal said as the monster slashed the van making it unstable. "Zane, Jay. you guys with me." Lloyd said, Jay and Zane nodded and they opened the door and used spinjitsu to the top of the van knocking some of the monsters there. "Okay..., that's a lot." Jay said looking behind and seeing a lot of monsters chasing behind the van. "Guys we need to shake them off or not they will follow us to the secret underground," Lloyd said as he blasted some monster who managed to climb up the van.

Zane froze the road behind making some of the monsters lose their stability as they hit each other or hit the wall. Jay used his lighting around the van making the monster who climbed the van get zapped and fall off the van. "This is not going to stop, they keep coming," Zane shouted, the monster hit the side of the van making the the van unstable. Kai went to the other window as he saw Jay's shadow was about to fall. "Aah!" Jay gasped "Jay!" Lloyd and Zane shout seeing Jay fall from the van. Jay closed his eyes ready to get hit but didn't feel it he opened his eyes and saw that he was a few inches away from the ground, he looked back and saw Kai grabbing both of his legs. "I got you, Jay!" Kai shouts as he throws Jay back up to the van. "Thanks, Kai," Jay said as Kai gave him a thumbs up, Nya went to the other side of the window and opened it, starting shooting at the monster. "Cole, could you go behind the Van?" Lloyd said, "On it." Cole said, he got out of the van and went to the back where he hit his script on the ground making a huge crack, Lloyd shot at the huge crack making a huge hole and the monster stopped running seeing the huge hole. "Yeah, we did it!" Jay shouted as he lay on the van exhaustion Lloyd and Zane sat down on top of the van. "Good job everyone, now you guys may rest while I control the Van." Pixal said as Jay, Lloyd, and Zane went inside the van in exhaustion. Finally, the gang got some time to rest from before they reach at the monastery.

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