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17th August 2022 (X)

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17th August 2022 (X)

Kneeling on the roof of the hotel, the man looked up to see a man, no more than 23 years old pointing a sharp dagger towards his nose. Blood began oozing out of the man's knees and fear shimmered in his eyes. There was no escaping this. This was the end of all the sins he had committed.

"Please spare me..." the chubby man begged, tears swelling down his eyes.

"Spare you? After what you did to my father?" the young man asked as pointed the dagger towards the fat man, his ruby eyes flaring up with rage, "You burned him alive in front of my mother, my sister. In front of me! You deserve to die, pyromaniac."

"No...I just followed orders. I had no choice! I have a family as well!" the man cried, "I am trying to survive just like your father. At least you are older, my daughter is only 13! Please spare me some empathy or at least...sympathy."

"Following orders?" the male cocked his head to the side, "Do I look like a fool to you? I saw the stupid smile on your face that day, that irritating laugh that I resented too much. I saw and heard them with my own two eyes and ears. You like to set things on fire, don't you? How about I satisfy your cravings?"

The young man suddenly pulled out a huge barrel and kicked it towards the chubby man. The barrel smashed against the man's skull and the wood spilt open, the petroleum inside showering over the man. The man was drenched in petroleum and had a pounding ache on the front of his forehead.

It was then, he lit a match.

"How about we switch roles in this little play of ours?" the young man smirked, "It's time for me to be the pyromaniac and your scream will bring me pleasure as I watch you burn your way to hell. I mean that all literally."

"Please... forgive me. I promise you, I will never step a foot near your family ever again." he pleaded, "Please don't punish me like this."

"My father begged you the same way you are begging me right now," the young man reminded, "How does it feel to be inferior? To beg for your life knowing that you are going to die no matter what? How does it feel to watch your whole life burn in front of you as you disintegrate to nothing but ashes?"

"Please...please don't do this," the man begged, "I will do anything."

"I want my father back," he threw the match onto the man and the man's clothes caught on fire.

Screams filled the night sky as the young man grinned. The chubby man watched his whole life flash in front of him as he soon drifted into the abyss.


Hamill woke up panting from the dream as he was drenched in sweat. The same nightmare that disturbs him every night. The nightmare that envisions his death in the hands of the young male he should have never messed with. It was a disaster but he had to do it. He had to obey the orders or else, he would have been the one on flames rather than that man's father. Even after two years, he could never forget the resentment that was displayed on the man's face. The rumours after that. Rumours about the young man but no evidence to prove it. Nobody could locate him or his family after that. It was like...he just disappeared from the face of the Earth. It was as if...he never existed.

Hamill took a deep breath in and slowly breathed out. He needed to calm down if he wanted to get the sleep he deserved. Especially because he has a very important meeting to attend in two days. He was about to go back to sleep when he felt an unsettling presence around him. He glanced around his room and that was when he heard the voice from the shadows. The voice he never wanted to hear.

"Hello Hamill, it's about time we meet again. How about you and I have a little chat, shall we?" 

 How about you and I have a little chat, shall we?" 

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