Seokjin was still pissed off. "Then why was Namjoon being so dramatic about it?"

Jungkook looked at Namjoon, "He has his principles."

"Is this why we are here? Because they had a contract against me?" Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Hoseok tilted his head, "You are here because they were in the empire with the purpose of hurting you."

Jimin turned to Hoseok, "I know about the contract."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes. Now he was really pissed. Jimin was staying with Jungkook even after knowing the truth? "You knew?"

Jimin nodded, "I knew in the first week of living with Jungkook that they were here to kill me. Jungkook told me all about it. But I have stayed with him for three weeks now, and I have never encountered any incident where he tried to harm me. In fact, he has been very helpful and caring. And most importantly, honest."

"I know it must be hard for you to believe us. We really gave up on the contract." Jungkook looked at Seokjin. His eyes shone brightly under the room's blue lights. "We always fact-checked every contract. When hyung got to know that the information provided was wrong, we dropped the contract. Even before you guys caught us."

Seokjin turned around. He ran his hand through his hair, "Jungkook, take Namjoon away."

Jungkook looked at Seungcheol. Seungcheol stepped closer to Namjoon and unlocked the cuffs. Jungkook slowly helped Namjoon to get up. They walked out of the room slowly. Jungkook was helping Namjoon to walk properly.

Jimin shook his head, "I can't believe you did this before even talking to me. I know you are worried about me, but I am not a kid anymore. Especially not the kid that got stranded in the crash. This is exactly why I didn't tell you about the contract." He left the room without expecting any answer from Seokjin. Hoseok bowed to Seokjin before leaving after Jimin.

"Jimin-ah." Hoseok stopped Jimin right in front of the room. He didn't realize that the door was still ajar, and Seokjin could probably hear all their conversation, "His Majesty did this because they were here for you."

Jimin turned around, "I know. That is the only reason I am mad." Hoseok was shocked to see tears in Jimin's eyes. But he knew that theirs were of anger and not sadness. "If Namjoon and his team had a contract for Seokjin hyung, he would have never reacted like this. Beating up someone to the extent that they can't stand straight without even knowing the entire story is not like him. He is a level-headed emperor. But whenever I am involved, he somehow turns into a tyrant. This obsession would cost him his life someday, and I don't want to lose the only family I have. He has to get over that 10-year-old child he found in the forest. I am not him anymore."


Jungkook slowly helped Namjoon sit on the bed. Namjoon held his stomach and flinched as he sat on the bed. He rushed to the washroom cabinet and came back with a first aid kit. Namjoon looked at him as he took the antiseptic out on a Q-tip. "I am sorry. You got caught in this mess because of me."

Jungkook chuckled, "You should have just told them the truth. You are not our chief anymore. You can let go of your principles."

Namjoon smiled a little. It hurt him to even smile. Seokjin's hand was definitely heavy, "What am I without my principles? After all these years, the only thing I have are my principles."

Jungkook slowly applied the cream on his cheek, "Then don't apologize for them. Because all I have after all these years is you."

Namjoon closed his eyes, "You have a lot more to your life other than me."

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