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Such a funny word.

When you strip the meaning you're left with, frankly, a ridiculous looking combination of letters.

But the feeling alone is no laughing matter.

How does one describe it?

Cold? Somber? Grief?

All synonyms to some degree but nothing quite matches.

No, it is something of itself.

It is alive, it breathes for you: playing your lungs like some worn out accordion,

sighing and moaning and creaking.

It aches. Oh, how it aches.

As if your bones are growing backwards while your body shrinks around them.

Your ribs concave and you curl up like a dry, shriveled orange peel.

The accordion still breathes, blowing the dust away until the only thing left is a heart;

lying on the ground, beating ever so loyally.

It glows and with each contraction the heart whispers:

"For you. For you. I beat, for you."


This is kind of a bummer but it's the first thing I've written by hand in a long time and it felt pretty good. Love is complicated and so is life but it is worth it to live and love.


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