Chapter 27- Here We Go Again

Start from the beginning

"Anything?" Joey asked, pulling back into traffic.

"No." Dropping back into my seat and reaching for my buckle, I peeked under the driver's seat. "Oh, wait, it's here!" I exclaimed, eyes locking on the sleek looking phone lighting up and vibrating against the floor. "I see it." The ringing cut out again and I snaked a hand out, retrieving the phone. Shuffling back onto the seat, I quickly fastened my seatbelt, eyes glued to the phone.

"Is that Aoife's?" Shannon questioned as her and I gazed down at the expensive looking device.

"Yeah, did she get a new phone for Christmas?"

"No," Joey replied. "Her folks got her hair straighteners for Christmas." The phone began to ring again, screen lighting up with the name King Clit flashing across it

"Ew, Joe," Shannon groaned. "That's disgusting."


"Whoever's calling this number is listed as King Clit." My brother threw his head back and laughed and my eyes widened in realization.

"That's not funny," Shannon admonished, watching the screen go blank again as the call ended. "That's pretty disturbing."

"It's yer man – the Gibsie fella. I heard Johnny ranting at him over changing his contacts around last night," Joey chuckled. "He's King Clit." The phone lit up again, vibrating in my hands and ringing loudly.

"Well, answer it," my brother instructed, tone impatient. "He's probably looking for it."

"I don't want to." Shoving her hand between the seats, Shannon tried to thrust the phone at our brother. "You answer it."

"How the fuck am I supposed to answer it?" Joey hissed, batting my hand away. "I'm driving, Shannon. Just answer the phone."

"No," she refused, shaking her head. "They'll think we stole it."

"No, they won't think we stole it," Joey shot back, tetchy. The ringing stopped and Joey let out a growl. "When it rings again, answer the fucking thing!" Like clockwork, the phone rang five seconds later.

"Marc' you answer it!" Shannon squealed, thrusting the phone into my chest.

I sighed, pressed the accept button and put speakerphone on. "Hello?"

"Well, shit, I wasn't expecting anyone to pick up," the voice at the other end replied. "You have my buddy's phone." I passed the phone to Shan, at the addition of the information that the phone was Johnny's.

Her eyes widened, but she took it.

"Yeah, I know." Closing her eyes, she pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead and exhaled heavily. "He left it in my brother's car last night."

"Last night's a bit hazy," Gibsie drawled down the line. "So, you might need to refresh my memory by letting me know who your brother is?"

I laughed softly at his lack of memory, and his hangover that was clear through the rasp in his voice.

"Joey Lynch?" Shannon squeezed out, trying not to hyperventilate in front of Joey. "He and his girlfriend Aoife dropped you guys home from town last night, I think my sister was there as well. The phone was under his seat." Squirming uncomfortably, she threw in a quick disclaimer by saying, "I just found it like two minutes ago."

"Nope," Gibsie replied after a long pause. "I have no recollection of that happening."

"Well, it clearly did," Shannon shot back, flustered. "Considering your friend's phone is in my brother's car."

"Little Shannon?" Gibsie sounded amused. "Is that you?"

"Uh, yeah." she flamed red. "It's me."

"Is your brother with you now?" he asked.

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