Volume 1 Prologue

Start from the beginning

A man in a bat suit cloaked the girl from the explosion. Beside him was a woman with blond hair and glasses.

"We got a Huntsman and Huntress!"

A woman and a man get up and head towards the back as bowl hat man takes the controls.

The woman flicks her wand, sending a jagged hail towards the bullhead. However, it was mysteriously redirected by the man. The mysterious women lit her hand on fire and aimed towards the women on the roof. The man in the bat suit quickly blocks the oncoming fireball and throws a couple of pieces of metal in the shape of a bat towards the bullhead. Like before, they were redirected by the mysterious man.

The mysterious women threw another fireball and the man threw a pole which had been resting in the street at them, which forced the two Huntsman to block the objects. Using this opportunity, they turned the aircraft around and made their escape.

"You're Huntsman! Can I get your autographs?!" The red hooded girl asks.


In an interrogation room, the girl from earlier was sitting in a chair while being scolded by the women with the wand with the man the batsuit standing in the corner.

"I hope you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young lady. You out yourself and others in danger."

"They started it!"

"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home with a pat on the back... and a slap on the wrist," she says while slamming her wand on the table.

"Be softer on her Glynda what she did was in self-defence, we shouldn't blame her," the man in the batsuit said to the now named Glynda.

"She needs to learn that her actions have consequences. But I digress. There is someone who would like to meet you." She moves out the way so a man in green could enter. He was holding a mug in one hand and a plate of cookies in the other.

"Ruby Rose... you have silver eyes," the man says, leaning closer to look at her face.

"Uh, um."

"So, where did you learn this?" He shows her a tablet that was playing the fight from earlier.

"S-Signal Academy."

"They taught you to use the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

"Well, one teacher in particular."

"I see." He puts down the plate of cookies. Ruby hesitates a moment till she quickly takes a cookie and ate it in a single bite. After there was no objection, she quickly eats the rest of them.

"It's just that I've only seen one other scythe wielder of that skill before. A certain old crow."

"Oh, that's my uncle," she mumbles through her mouth. She then swallows and wipes her mouth, embarrassed. "Sorry, that's my uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was completely garbage until he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like - hooowaah! Witchaaa," she continues while making karate-style poses and sounds.

"So I've noticed. And what is an adorable looking girl like yourself doing in a school designed to train warriors?"

"Well... I want to be a Huntress."

"You want to slay monsters?"

"Yeah. I have only two more years of training left before I'm ready to apply to Beacon! You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career kut of it! I meN thebpolice are alright, but Huntsman and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know."

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon."


"Nice to meet you."

"You want to come to my school?"

"More than anything."

He exchanged glances with Glynda, who showed her disapproval and then looked at the man in the bat suit who didn't care. "Well, okay.

"Wait, really!"

"Yes, really. Congratulations on being admitted to Beacon Academy. Can't wait to see what kind of Huntress you become."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You won't regret this," Ruby says, hugging Ozpin.

"You're welcome. You are allowed to leave now. Your father is waiting for you."

"Ok, thank you, Professor Ozpin. I'll see you there," Ruby says while heading out the door with a big smile on her face.

After she had left Ozpin along with Glynda and the man in the batsuit left the room. He was then greeted by a boy in his teens.

"Hello, Mr. Rose. You will be glad to hear that your sister's will now be students of Beacon Academy."

"I'm glad. Oh, I can't wait to see my beautiful little sister after so long," the boy says with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, let's get onto business. Roman Torchwick has already hit a number of dust shops as of recently. What's unusual is that he never takes the money and only takes the dust. Do you have any ideas why?"

"That's easy. He isn't doing this for himself. He was hired by someone. Also, it seems that he is working with the Passione Mafia."

"The Passione Mafia? Wouldn't it make more sense if he was working for them?" Glynda asked.

"No, the Passione have no business in robbing dust for no reason. It's more likely that whoever hired Torchwick has also hired the Passione Mafia," the man in the bat suit tells Glynda.

"Yep, you're right, Bruce."

He looked at young boy with a serious look in his eyes. "I told you not to call me that in public."

"Sorry, I meant Batman. But anyway, this mysterious employer is planning something, something big."

"Yeah. There are dark times ahead. It's only a matter of time until 'she' makes her moves. This new generation of Huntsman and Huntresses will be crucial in the fight ahead."

"Yeah, but I know my sisters will survive. I mean, after all, they are my sisters," the boy says with a proud smile.

It's been about a week, and things have gotten a lot better. I believe that I got a bit better with all the free time i've recently have, so i'll be writing again. This story is my passion project that I thought of years ago and I finally get to write. I hope to do a lot better here. There will be lots of crossover characters. Many will be buffed others heavily nerfed as there are some characters that I will need to take some of their abilities away to better conform to the world of Remnant. I will try to release at least one chapter a week. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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