"Hmm? Oh nothing. I'm good".

"Jasper it's been a week ok? You've been given a second chance". "You gotta use it". Adeline stands with Jasper while Octavia walks further "Ah" she yells and gets pulled to the ground.

"Octavia, Octavia" Jasper and Adeline both yell, they begin rushing towards her Jasper behind her. A boy lets go of her "jerk" she shoves him. "Get the hell out of here" she yells.

Octavia goes to Jasper. "Jasper, come on". "There's nothing to be afraid of". He trips and falls flat on his face. Octavia and Adeline go to help him up. Worried he hurt himself. They look forward because Jasper isn't moving and spot two cut off fingers and a knife that looks like one Murphys made.

Octavia grabs it all and wraps it in a cloth while they all quickly grab Clarke and Bellamy. Bellamy takes up to a tent set up.

Clarke picks up the knife "this knife is as made of metal from the drop ship".

"What do you mean?" Jasper asks.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy looks at Adeline.

"No one we brought it straight here".

"Clarke?" Jasper whispers.

"It means the grounders didn't kill Wells" she sighs. "It was one of us" everyone's eyes widen.

"So there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper adds.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp".

"This isn't new. We need to keep it quiet". Bellamy demands. Clarke begins to speed out of the tent, Bellamy blocks her.

"Get out of my way , Bellamy".

"Be smart about this".

"Look at what we've achieved- - the wall, the paroles". "Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us".

"Oh good for you, you mean, what keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's it". Adeline steps forward.

"He has a point Clarke, I agree though Wells deserves justice but this needs to be secret".

"You don't even know whose knife that is" Bellamy adds.

"Oh really" she turns the knife "J.M. John Murphy". "The people have a right to know". She storms out this time Bellamy doesn't stop her. They all chase after her as she heads straight for Murphy.

She shoves him "you son of a bitch!"

He laughs "what's your problem?"

"Recognize this?" She holds up the knife.

"It's my knife. Where'd you find it?" He goes to reach it but she pulls it away.

"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells".

"Where I what?" "The grounders killed Wells, not me".

"I know what you did" she steps toward him. "And you're gonna pay for it".

"Really?" He looks to Bellamy. "Bellamy, you really believe this crap?"

"You threatened to kill him, we all heard you". "You hated Wells". Clarke continues.

"Plenty of people hated Wells". "His father was the chancellor that locked us up-"

"Yeah but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him".

"Yeah I didn't kill him then, either".

"Tried to kill Jasper too" Octavia yells over. Murphy looks around at everyone.

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