4: Mortal Eyes

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(I can’t promise a smut in the future)
lots of errors.

The club was a sensory overload, a kaleidoscope of lights, sound, and movement that engulfed its patrons in a whirlwind of excitement. Neon lights danced across the walls, casting vibrant hues of pink, blue, and purple onto the pulsating dance floor below.

The air was thick with the pounding rhythm of the music, each beat reverberating through the space like a heartbeat of the city itself. Bodies moved in rhythm, a synchronized dance of euphoria and release, their movements fluid and uninhibited.

The scent of sweat and perfume hung in the air, mingling with the heady aroma of alcohol and smoke. Conversations overlapped, voices raised to be heard over the din of the crowd, creating a cacophony of sound that filled the room.

The club exuded an electric energy that pulsed through the air, infusing every corner of the space with an undeniable sense of excitement. From the moment Hongjoong stepped through the doors, he was enveloped in a world of vibrant sights and sounds that ignited the senses.

The walls were adorned with graffiti art and murals, each stroke of color adding to the eclectic and dynamic atmosphere of the club. Neon signs flashed with cheeky slogans and playful messages, drawing attention to the various bars and dance floors scattered throughout the venue.

Lights strobed overhead, casting fleeting shadows that danced across the faces of the revelers below. Bartenders worked tirelessly behind the bars, expertly crafting cocktails and pouring shots for the eager crowd.

couples gambled, women energetically jumping around and exciting their men for more money.

in the VIP area, plush velvet couches and low tables offered a more exclusive experience for those willing to splurge. Here, patrons lounge in luxury, sipping on top-shelf drinks and indulging in intimate conversations away from the throngs of people on the main floor.

Under the cerise lights, where myriad of carnal needs swirled around the tongues of folks, Hongjoong stood still, cladded in leather and heavy accessories. 

Humans were a delicious feat. 

He licked his lips, combing sweaty hands through his marcel hair. 

From the roving bodies to the statuesque ones, it all coaxed Hongjoong into wanting the human touch on himself. 

He looked around

For a prey- 


Amidst the heart beats of a human, a sensation of warmth enveloped Hongjoong as he felt the press of a body of a human on his own from behind. It was intimidating, as possessive arms embraced around his waist, pulling him in the shadows of the human. 

And Hongjoong… he just let it happen. 

A shiver ran down his spine as he felt the gentle brush of lips against the sensitive skin of his neck, sending a wave of desire coursing through him. Each tender kiss sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body, igniting a fire that burned with raw, unbridled passion.

Soft kisses turned into harsh, harageous ones, sloppily moving down his neck to his collarbone. Hongjoong relished the plump lips against his pale skin, tilting his head backward and resting it against the human’s chest. 

It was a man. And he was huge. 

“How have you been?” Gentle words were spoken, holding unending intimacy and subtle hints of erotic demands. 

It was Yunho. 

Finding himself in well-acquainted hands, Hongjoong released a breath and hummed back in a sultry tone. “It’s been a while, isn’t it?” 

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