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"Her şey Geçicidir"

Zyla (POV)

I just look at him as he is hissing in pain. Even a sorry doesn't come out of my mouth. I want to tell him sorry but something in me says that he deserves it. Surely he deserves it but not that hard.

After calming himself from pain, he looks in the mirror to check his nose and then looks at me in disbelief and asks me, "Yahh..! How could hit me like this?". I couldn't say anything all my attention is on his nose. Did I break it? Is it bleeding? He is hiding his nose in his hand. "You didn't even apologize" he says. "How can you be so rude?". "I helped you and this is how you thank me". He is continuously talking without giving me a chance. He looks cute while being angry. Wait a minute. Did I just tell that he's cute. No.. No.. No way. It's just a slip of my tongue.

He finally removed his hand from his nose and pointed his index finger of the same hand to me. I sigh in relief. It isn't bleeding. And then I spoke, "Can you please stop talking now", he stops and glares at me. "Ok.... So now listen to me, I know I shouldn't hit you like that, but my hand was not in my control, it's just I punched you, my hand just landed on your face". What the hell am I speaking. Did I make any sense? No way it did. He just stares at me waiting for an apologise. So I took a few minutes calming myself to stop speaking anything stupid. "I-I-Im". I stopped, I don't think I could apologize, it's just too hard for me to speak it. I once again gathered my courage and spoke in just a breath, "I'm sorry"

He just rolls his eyes and goes back near his bike. He didn't even say anything to my sorry. The audacity of this boy. I sit in my car with a huff. I was thinking to thank him for the help. Now I think he surely deserve that hit.


I parked my car and went straight towards the room. I don't know but I'm feeling really tired right now. I kept my bag on it's usual place and lay down on my bed thinking about my high school days. They were my best days. I used to meet my friend regularly, we used to hangout together. I only liked my high school because of my friends. Before I met them I just hate going to school. But after meeting them I attended the school everyday. And the most important thing, I could see him everyday after school. The way he used to stand with his friends waiting for his uncle. The way he used to smile. I just miss him everyday. But after high school my life my life just turned around. I lost trust from everyone except my best friends. They didn't know what happened to me but still they always supported me. After that I really got closed to My Imaan, My religion, My Rab.

I stood up from my bed with a huff. It's really difficult to move far from my bed. It's the most peaceful thing for me after my salah.

I look at the time it's already 12. Did I really just waste 2 hours in thinking? Time just goes really fast.

I took my laptop, and started watching some web series. The best way to kill time.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in", I said. "Maam, is calling you downstairs for the lunch miss", the housekeeper replied. "Tell her that I'm not in the mood to eat", I replied. She hummed and close the door. And again I continued to watch my drama. I saw the time and it's already time for the zuhar. I did my ablution and started my salah.


I woke up and saw the time, it's already 6 in the evening. I was sleeping on my table. My books all scattered on the table. I was studying and I didn't know when I slept. Seriously this was the fastest Saturday that went in my life.

I organised my books on the shelf and was thinking about what to do next. And my eyes fell on my phone. How can I forget, that I have a app named Wattpad on my phone. It's been so many days since I opened it and read anything.

I just kept scrolling through my reading list and selected a completed story to read. I just don't like to wait for the next part. The moment you get excited after reading it and see that the next chapter is still not uploaded, is just worst. The struggle of waiting for it. So I just read the completed stories.

I finished 10 chapters and I started feeling hungry. It's 7 now. It's been 9 hours since I ate. I came downstairs to get something to eat. I took a packet of instant noodles and cooked it.

I took a sticky note and wrote, " I had my dinner, don't send anyone to my room". Its for my mother, I don't want people to keep knocking on my door and asking me to eat.

I took my noodles and sat in the balcony eating it. I heard a noise of a car pulling inside the garage. It's Mr. Adem..... He came outside and stood staring at the garden for sometime. And then suddenly he looked up at the balcony of my room. I quickly moved my gaze from him. I was just eating and watching the sky. After few minutes I looked back at the garden. He is nowhere to be seen. I think he went inside and I also went inside to complete the story which I was reading.


I kept shouting but nobody could listen to my screams. It's just me and him. He started walking towards me and I just kept walking backwards and then my back hit the cold wall. My back pressed against the wall. I wish I could go inside this wall. I couldn't see his face because of my continuously flowing tears. I just wanna go out. I screamed and screamed but nobody could hear me. As if nobody exists. No I cannot let him do whatever he wants. My eyes roamed around and fell on the vase on the table. Something fell down and he looked back to check. I took the chance and hurdled the vase on him with all my might. The vase shattered against the wall behind him sending shards of glass and flowers flow in the air. He looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face. His one hand grabbed my hands above my head while the other roam all over my body, his hot breaths on my neck sending shivers down my spine. I screamed for help but once again it was of no use. I pleaded him to let me go. But nothing could effect him. He roamed his finger around my cheek. At this moment I could do nothing except crying and screaming. He pressed his lips of my neck and I screamed

I screamed and jerked myself away from the bed. Tears flowing down my chin. I looked at the alarm clock on the night side, the white numbers indicating 3 a.m. My heart beating a millions time faster than the normal. My breaths loud and hard. I clutched my hands around neck, thinking about the nightmare. The nightmare which haunted me for so many years. The bitter untold truth of my life.

My slow movements towards the bathroom to shake off my mind from the nightmare. The cold water hitting my face, gave me a sense of peace.

Author (POV)

She spread the mat and started reading tahajjud. Her eyes continuously crying. She wanted someone to listen to her. Someone she can open her heart to. Someone whom she could depend on. Someone whom she could trust. And in this world there was no one she depend and trust on except her Rab. She kept crying in sujood. Her heart piercing with immense pain. The pain she couldn't forget. "Yah Allah, please help me. I'm so helpless right now. Help me to overcome this pain. The more I want to forget it. The more it just reminds me. My Rab help me forget it or just take me from this world. The pain is being more unbearable day by day. My heart just keeps shattering. There is no one whom I could trust, depend and lean on except you". She kept crying until her head hurt and she fell asleep.

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