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"Tekrar Karşılaştık"

Daniel (POV)

"Daniel ! Wake up, you will be late for university" I heard my mom shouting as she opened the curtains of my room's window. I hummed in response... I woke up in excitement as it was my first day of University, did my morning routine and went downstairs. I greeted my parents "Asamualaikum", Baba replied back, "Walekumassalam", I kissed my mom's forehead and sat down on the dining table. As I was eating my breakfast, I got a call from Duruk (My best friend from high school). I received the call ,"Hey bro, where the hell are you, Do you know what time it is" he sounded angry "Ya.. Ya... I'm just coming" and kept the call

Author (POV)

Daniel stopped his bike outside the university and admired his surroundings as it was his dream to complete his studies in Haceteppe University (#4 for Neurosurgery in Asia located in Turkey) for which he really worked hard. He entered the university parked his bike and took off his helmet and ruffled his black hair. He was wearing a black trouser with black t-shirt underneath a black jacket with black boots.
Daniel was roaming in the campus searching for Duruk. He saw all the girls were looking at him with smiling faces and whispering.

Zyla (POV)

"Ya Allah, please sir should not be there in the class. Ya Allah please", I looked above and said. I hurried, as I was seriously late for university today as I overslept after offering Fajr, which I rarely do. I started walking fast towards my class talking to Aylin on the phone, suddenly someone bumped into me, I didn't look up, the only thing I could see is the black boots. I told him sorry in a low voice which he probably couldn't hear. But that's not my problem, my only problem is that I shouldn't get late for my class. I turned around to take a look at him and saw his back. He was wearing black from head to toe.

Daniel (POV)

As I was roaming in the campus searching for Duruk, I bumped into someone as I looked up, her eyes were the only thing I could see, the hazel brown eyes with long perfectly curved lashes. I just got lost into them, and returned to reality when I heared she murmured something to herself and left. I didn't even get a chance to see her face and the only thing I could remember is her eyes.

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