Ch 15: The Heir of Sahar

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"The fairy is Elowen's stepmother," he said. "And I don't want her to get hurt. She ran off after the ball last night and hasn't returned."

"Avangelique's friend?" Estefania sighed. "What does she have to do with this?"

"If she can help us..." Fletcher paused. "A crown princess should understand the value of someone like Elowen."

"She's just a girl," Estefania said. "And we have bigger problems."

"Your fairy trial," he said sarcastically. "I forgot. You have everything you want and want to take her on, too?"

Nathaniel snarled. Estefania could feel all of the fur on his back standing up. She wondered if he was in control of his senses or if this was the predator in his body.

"Enough, Than," Fletcher said. "If you're taking her side, I can leave. There's a new robe for you in the adjoining washroom. I'm going to take care of my kingdom."

She was surprised he didn't slam the door on his way out. Nathaniel jumped off the bed and pawed the floor.

"You can transform back," she said. "I mean, if you can, Nathaniel. I can give you privacy while I change for the ball."

Nathaniel nuzzled her arm and pushed her towards the washroom. She walked into the room and sank on an ottoman. She saw a dark blue robe embroidered with silver apples and golden beads. There was a beaded headdress, and she guessed Avangelique picked it out since it matched a pair of silk ribbon Saharite sandals.

It didn't take her long to change. She brushed the snags out of her hair and braided it back. Then she let the headdress's beads hang over her head and around her face like a crown.

When she returned to the bedroom, Nathaniel de Ryne sat on her bed shirtless with a blanket across his lap. His breathing was labored, and he wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

His arms quivered. "I think... I can control myself... at least... for now."

"Your brother seemed worried about you," she said.

"I remember everything that happens when I transform," he said. "I'm still me, just in the body of that monster. It makes the pain my brothers endure look easy."

"I'm sorry if I implied that your curse wasn't bad," she said. "I didn't realize..."

Nathaniel shook his head. "It was better if you didn't know. Our curses are our loads to bear. Fletcher's is manageable. Assuming his problem doesn't accelerate, he might even be able to live an ordinary life. Not me, though. After all, what woman would want a man who couldn't hold them?"

"Nathaniel," but the words died on her tongue.

There was nothing that she could say. Nathaniel couldn't feel without losing himself. That was worse than the threats that she might love a monster. At least she could love.

"I know what my brother said," Nathaniel said. "And I don't think you're cursed, Nia. You just deserve better than a bewitched man who can't control himself."

Her heart beat faster in her chest. She was Sahar's heir. Her decisions shaped her people, but every time she looked at the Marquis de Ryne, she wanted to throw away her kingdom and disappoint her grandmother.

If it weren't for her people, she'd march straight into the ballroom and declare her betrothal to Fletcher null and void. Neither of them wanted it. She couldn't be happy with the prince if her heart belonged to the marquis.

It made her a monster. Her decision would have allowed her people to starve. She was a ruler, and she had to provide for her people. She couldn't abandon them in their hour of need.

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