Fragment 7: Remembrance, Part 3

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It was a hot summer day back in 2064, one day right after Natalie's sixth birthday. It was the 22nd of June and temperature records were set every year.

Maya Prince and her husband Alexander were slightly stressed out on this Sunday. Their children, two girls called Natalie and Beatrice, were full of energy while the adults both struggled with bad circulation due to the immense heat. Alexander was even more strained because he had type 2 diabetes and needed to take it easy indoors, where there was reliable air conditioning.

When Bea and Natalie had been outside earlier to water the flowers in their garden, Natalie's skin had already started to turn red and thus, Maya commanded them to play only inside, not allowing them out until the sun would at least set. Sun burns on children's skin were a large problem to take care of. They could do without.

As the girls were highly bored after a while playing by themselves, Maya suggested making a small fashion show in the living room. The sisters loved to dress up all the time so this suggestion was received with great enthusiasm.

"Both of you, listen to me now. I will explain how we'll do it", Maya called them to herself.

The two girls eagerly ran to their mother who was sitting in an armchair in the living room. Their father was close by, stretching out on a sofa.

"First of all, we need to select some dresses for you to wear in this fashion show. Dad and I will help each one of you. Who wants to select dresses with Dad?"

Nat lifted her hand, waving eagerly so she would be chosen in Alexander's team. "Me, me!"

Bea also wanted to lift her hand but was too slow. As she realized, she retracted it, annoyed.

"Ok, Nat. Then you will choose the outfits with your Dad. And I will help you, Bea", Maya continued.

However, Bea furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her mother angrily. It was as if she was offended. "But I wanted Dad to help me too!"

Maya sighed and turned to Nat. "Nat, sweety, would you be fine with switching?"

Nat nodded after a while. She always was ready to choose something else so her sister would stop crying or complaining. "Yes, Mom."

Beatrice immediately lightened up when she saw her sister agree and laughed. "I'm with Dad!"

Alexander waved and smiled at her when she looked in his direction. Bea smiled completely content. She was really happy to be in Team 'Dad', especially as her sister obviously also wanted to be there and now could not be.

"After selecting the dresses, let's say we choose five, we need to select music and build a place where you can change. I think it won't take longer than four songs. Which one would you like?"

"Penguin!", Bea screamed cheerfully. She was obsessed with this song from a children show on television. "And the song of Mr. Greenbean!"

She was five years old so it was normal but Maya suppressed a grin. None of those songs would ever play in a real fashion show. At least she very much hoped so.

"And you, Nat?", Maya encouraged her to speak up.

"Hmm", Nat made and carefully considered her choice. "I want to listen to Shakra's 'Waka Waka' and this one song you love so much, Mom."

Maya smiled. "Destiny?"

Enthusiastically, Nat nodded in agreement.

"Okay, if we have chosen the songs, we can think about the changing area for you girls..."

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