Fragment 6: Vicissitude, Part 4

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As Christopher Ferrow approached the door of the Tutson household, his throat tightened and he got weak in the knees. Delivering news of a dead family member was one of the worst, if not the worst, part of his job. The situation was not any better as he needed to lead the investigation team right afterwards.

The young police officer did not even manage to inhale enough air to prepare himself mentally as the main door rang by itself. It was probably one of those highly advanced models with sensors combined with a camera, something only to be found in the wealthy districts.

Nervously he looked at his female colleague by his side. Shirley Ward, a middle-aged woman with stern light-gray eyes and black hair starting to turn gray looked back at him.

"Don't lose your nerves, Ferrow. That's our job", she was trying to motivate him in the way of her serious type of character.

At moments like this he still felt like a new trainee who did not know anything true about the job for which he was being trained. He felt lucky to have an experienced colleague by his side for the endeavor lying before him.

A woman with green eyes shaped like almonds and brown curly hair opened the door. She had a skeptical and worried look on her face.

"How can I help you?"

"Good morning Mrs. Tutson", Christopher Ferrow greeted her and showed her his police officer badge.

"My name is Christopher Ferrow and this is Shirley Ward. We are officers from the Cading police. May we come inside shortly?"

The woman in front of him did not lose a word and as if she was reluctant, she opened the door up wider very slowly, allowing them to enter.

"Please go straight through the corridor, the living room is there", Beatrice Tutson said.

Shirley entered right away, leading the way while Christopher hurried to wipe his feet at the doormat before he invaded the home domain of Natalie Arsted's sister.

Scanning the interior of the house while passing by, Christopher could not see any other people with her inside.

"Please sit down, Mrs. Tutson", Shirley said to her and Beatrice obeyed. The living room had two sofas from across each other, with only a small palisander table in between them. Christopher Ferrow sat down on the opposite couch without further invitation.

"Is anybody else home?" Shirley Ward copied him and asked. "We were informed that your nephew has been brought to you. And as it's Saturday, your husband should also probably be home as well?"

Beatrice nodded concentratedly, apparently suppressing words coming out of her mouth too fast. She seemed to choose her words very carefully. "Lyss and Mark are both here. They played in the guest room earlier. But my husband should arrive shortly. He always receives guests."

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly in sorrow and she fidgeted with her fingers. It could never be good news when two police officers were sitting in one's living room. Christopher Ferrow looked at her directly. "Please go get your husband at least. We have some news to tell you both."

"Of course", Beatrice got up very fast when Lysander already entered the room. He had walked very quietly.

"I apologize for letting you wait." Lyss nervously went past his wife and sat down beside her. Beatrice followed. Lysander also looked cautiously at the people in front of him. After they had repeated their introduction, Christopher Ferrow took the initiative to reveal their reason for visiting.

"Mr. and Mrs. Arsted. Unfortunately, we have some really bad news for you." He made a short pause so the two could brace themselves emotionally.

Shirley noticed how Beatrice bit the inside of her left cheek.

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