Chapter 18- An Offer

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Capri had gotten back home the previous morning nearly at the crack of dawn. She had ushered a ride back home from a passing semi driver. Being so out of sorts after having spent a majority of the evening laid out in the brush of a near by wheat field; having only narrowly escaped the death which had come tunneling down her back, she had realized too late that she hadn't left the passerby even the spare change in her pocket as he drove off after dropping her off. Even in these desperate times where the world's fate hung in a delicate balance she felt a wracking guilt over this fact. Her only solace had been a silent promise she had made to herself. 

Next time I tip double.

She had hurried through the front door, being careful to not wake her grandfather who'd fallen asleep in his rocking chair in front of the television watching reruns of Smokey and the Bandit.

Capri jumped into the shower for a quick rinse before heading out toward the bus stop. She found herself lost in thought considering what her next move would be. She had decided she would try and find Hooper at school today in hopes that another plea would get him to take her warnings seriously. As the bus pulled up a sudden realization came to her. She had forgotten today was the night of the school art fair. She had been so preoccupied with everything else it had completely slipped her mind. Mrs. Murphy would be devastated if she dropped out with such short notice.

Damn it.

She cursed under her breath. It couldn't be helped. With Friday fast approaching she would have to make her contact with Harry Hooper at school really count.

She had noticed Harry hadn't been on the bus today either; assuming he had been getting rides to school with his leather clad friend. The idea unsettled her. He had been so easily manipulated into believing their friendship was sincere. Part of her felt a swell of pity for the boy. How desperate he must've been to have so readily accepted this stranger into his life? The word pathetic fought to the forefront of her mind before she managed to swat it away.

She made it through half the day without having been able to catch a glimpse of Harry; having hoped she'd had been successful in engaging him prior to AP English; their only shared class period.

Where are you Hooper?



Harry had decided to take the day off from school having convinced his mother he had come down with some stomach bug. He had decided to use the opportunity to catch up on some much-needed sleep, having spend the better part of the night tossing and turning. He was awoken by a pitter patter on his bedroom window. He rose from beneath his covers and wandered over; there was Harvey standing outside his window, he had been throwing pebbles trying to get his attention.

Harry felt his heart skip a beat. Even after everything that had happened the other night the sight of Harvey brought a grin to his face.

Harvey smiled back with a wave. Harry opened his window.

"Hey Hooper, how're you doing? Your folks told you're feeling sorta crummy."

"It's just an upset stomach. Nothing major." He called back trying to stifle the excitement in his voice.

"You feel well enough to go for a ride?" Harvey's voice carrying a hint of mischief in its tone.

It only took a minute of consideration before Harry was dressed, with book bag slung over his shoulder and out the front door and riding on the back from Harvey's bike. Before long they were riding across town, heading no where in particular. Truthfully Harry didn't really care where they were heading all that he wanted was to bask in this moment, the autumn breeze, the warm sun on his face. He rested his ear on Harvey's leathered back and closed his eyes. This was everything to him. He had been so alone for so long. But now he had it all. Freedom. Acceptance. Love. The realization broke him.

Would it all be taken away? What I would do to keep it.

They headed out passed the city limits up the narrow road which led up the back side of a mountain trail. They had arrived at their usual spot. They dismounted and walked over to the flatten slab of stone and took their seats. The sun hung high above them, its rays igniting Harbinger Valley below. Harvey removed his sunglasses and loosened a single cigarette from a carton and lit it with his lighter, taking a deep breath before exhaling a thick gray cloud from his mouth.

"Hey Harvey," Harry spoke, nervously picking at the zipper on his book bag. "So, the other night after you left my place. A girl from school came over."

A wide grin stretched across his face before he leaned over and shoved Harry playfully.

"Oh yeah? A girl, huh?" He teased. "Hooper you dog."

Harry blushed, turning his face away embarrassed.  "No, it wasn't like that."

Harvey took another drag from his cigarette waiting for Harry to work up his nerve. Harry turned back to face Harvey. His eyes held an unfamiliar confidence in them. Harvey found himself taken aback by this sudden change in his demeanor.

"Harvey. I know what you are."  There wasn't even a trace of hesitation.

There was a brief silence, a sudden breeze rolled through. Harvey turned his head and exhaled releasing a stream of smoke from deep in his lungs.

"She told me. You're something supernatural. Something not from this world. And I think I believe her. Maybe I've always known but didn't want to admit it."

He said nothing. He took another drag.

"You came to me that night, right? You saved me from the pit. Because of this." He lifted his hand up showing off the red gem resting on his finger.

Harvey kept his stare facing straight forward overlooking the valley below.

"What do you want from me?"

Harvey took to his feet, taking one final puff from his cigarette before flicking it off the cliff side.

"Aw Hooper." He began stepping forward towards the cliff's edge.  "Its not what I want that brought me here."

Harry's heart sank as he watched Harvey seemingly begin to walk on air. As though standing on an invisible surface. He turned on his heels and reached down towards Harry and extended his hand while wearing his disarming smile.

"I'm here to make you an offer."

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