Part 4 ~ Chapter 23

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"Dragon riders!" Eret exclaimed as he backed up.

Hiccup groaned and roared at the others.
"Hookfang, give me back my son!" He shouted as he climbed onto the top of the boat, not sure if he should fly after them or not, especially since Kala was still aboard the ship.

Toothless struggled in Hookfang's claws with a growl. "Put me down Uncle Snotlout! What are you doing?!"

Snotlout ignored the hatchling as he looked over at the twins with a smirk. "See how well I protect and provide?" He said to Ruffnut, but then he and the twins had to dodge as nets were sent their way.

Hiccup glared at the trappers, then took to the air and blasted apart a net that was close to capturing Toothless.

"Aggh! What is with all the nets?!" Tuffnut complained.

"Hey, watch it!" Ruffnut yelled. "That was close..." She began to say, then her eyes widened as she spotted Eret down on the ship. "Oh, my."

Ruffnut stared lovingly at him. "Me likey." She said with a dreamy air about her voice, then she raised her arms with her eyes closed. "Take me."

Toothless pushed off Hookfang and dived, which Hiccup took notice of and met him halfway. He grabbed hold of the saddle and secured himself then Hiccup made his way back to the ship.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Astrid exclaimed, which made Kala cover her ears with a whine as the trappers stopped in their tracks.

This gave Hiccup the opportunity to land. As he did, Toothless dismounted as Kala squirmed to be with her father, which Astrid obliged by securing her to the saddle. Kala gripped the saddle as she watched the other riders land on the ship, but out of the three Furies present she was the only one that wasn't glaring at them all. Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins, Gobber, and Stoick had come rushing after them.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" Toothless asked, very upset.

"We're here to rescue you!" Gobber said.

"WE DON'T NEED to be rescued!" Toothless shot back growling a bit.

"Toothless..." Kala whined only loud enough for her dad and brother to hear as her grip tightened on the saddle.

"ENOUGH!" Stoick shouted as he dismounted his Rumblehorn, Skullcrusher, and made his way towards them.

Kala shrank down close to the saddle with a whimper and Hiccup purred softly to help calm her down, which helped slightly.

"Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh?" Eret said as he put his attention on the Berkian chief. "I am Eret, son of–" He began, but was cut off as Stoick pushed him out of the way by his face.

Gobber then hit him in the head and had Grump drop on top of him, falling asleep and pinning him to the deck as he did.

"!" Eret ordered breathlessly.

"Anyone else?" Gobber asked as he looked at the other trappers, who backed away sheepishly. "That's what I figured."

"You. Saddle up with your sister. We're going home." Stoick ordered once he was in front of his son and grandchildren.

"No." Toothless shot back with his arms crossed.

"Of all the irresponsible–"

"We're trying to protect the dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?" Toothless asked.

"BECAUSE WAR IS WHAT HE WANTS, TOOTHLESS!" Stoick shouted, which got the Night Furies in front of him to flinch, a whine escaping the youngest one from how loud it was.

HTLANF AU: How to Raise Your Night FuriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang