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The Bennett sisters were headed towards school but they had one stop before they could truly go there. Their father had planned for them to meet in Alexandria. They didn't know why. But Amour headed to the address that he sent them. It was a very nice two story white house in a suburb of the city. Both girls were confused as they parked and got out.

"What is this?" Bonnie asked as they approached. Amour shrugged as she walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Their father answered, "Dad? Why are we meeting here?"

"Come in," he said and Bonnie did followed by a more tentative Amour. Amour walked past Bonnie and into the picture perfect living room. There on the mantle was a large portrait of their father, a woman and a young girl. She stepped back into the foyer.

"No," she whispered and tears fell. She turned to walk out and her father stepped in front of the door.

"Please let me explain."

"Nothing you say will make it okay. I will never talk to you again. And since clearly that is what you've been wanting all along, I hope your life is very happy."

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked. Amour grabbed her hand and dragged her into the living room.

"This is how he sees his family. Do you see something missing? We are not his family. I don't have one photo with him. Do you?" Bonnie stuttered. SHe couldn't speak. She couldn't think.

"That's not true."

"Isn't it?! You've never cared for me but at least Bonnie had the rare visit. The truth is in color on a fucking mantle in Alexandria, hours away from where we lived."

"Watch your language, I am still your father."

"No you haven't been that since you missed every moment I've ever had. You are nothing. I am an orphan and you are a cruel liar." She left as Bonnie stood frozen, the only movement the tears coming down.

"How long?" she whispered.

"Jasmine and I have been married for five years and Marissa turned four this year." She nodded slowly.

"I hope you're a better father to her. Because Amour is right. You're not mine. Not anymore. Don't call us." She said and flinched out of the way when he reached towards her.

Amour drove for miles in silence. Not complete silence. Sobs could be heard every now and then. She pulled into a motel when she'd tired herself out. Still neither sister had spoken a word to each other. Bonnie took a shower and ordered a pizza while Amour disappeared for over an hour. She came back and Bonnie stood over the half eaten pie. "Where were you?"

"I had to talk to someone." Bonnie scoffed.

"You hiding things too?" Amour sighed and sat down.

"Not hiding. I have a boyfriend. His name is Jake. He's a witch and he's a senior at Brown. We were on break for the summer because he was in Europe with his brother."

"He dumped you to sleep with European girls?"

"No, I dumped him. There's still a lot you don't know about me. It was just temporary. He dind't even want to and he didn't sleep with anyone. It wasn't' about sex. When Jake is with someone, he's so dedicated to them. He would have not slept or enjoyed himself just to make sure I was okay. And while he knows what has happened this summer, I purposefully avoided his calls so he could have fun and not worry about me. He always worries about me. Calling twice a day. You'll see."

"Anymore secrets?"

"Not secrets but I haven't told you everything about school. My friends, for one. We're all supernatural. You will love them. We have two other witches besides Jake. MElissa and Faye are from Northern Washington State. Then there's newly turned vampire JJessica. We met the morning she was going to kill herself. I made her a daylight ring and helped her get back to normal. The other vampire is Adrian, he's Russian and was turned during the Cold War. Our wolves are twins, one of them is Lena, Adrian's girlfriend, and the other is Liam."

Amnesiac BonnieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang